How long does it take to verify a cname?

  • 3 April 2016
  • 3 replies

How long does it take to verify a cname?  It shows a clock icon and says “the cname for this domain is being verified”.  Can anyone tell me how long I should expect to wait?  Is it always 48 hours?  Or could be working at any point?  Or it should already be working?  Thanks for you help

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi Sean, 

It can take up to 48 hours for the DNS changes to propagate. 

However, in my experience, it’s usually an hour or so. 

If it is been more than 24h since you’ve set it up, you should reach out to Unbounce support directly and I’m sure they’ll figure it out. or 1.888.515.9161


P.S. Based on my limited experience (10 or so domains), Hover takes longer than other registrars to push through the CNAME changes. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hey Sean,

What hosting are you using? My experience is similar to that of Hristian’s. Roughly 1 hour or so (often even less).

If you are with GoDaddy they have a setting labeled TTL (time to live). Make sure this is set on the lowest setting possible.

I use What’s My DNS to make sure everything is pointing correctly.

If you need a hand to set this up, feel free to give me a ping!

Stefano Apostolakos


I use MXToolboxto verify my CNAME setups. just type into the search box and you’ll see whats the what.

Mine usually take 1-2h though GoDaddy is much faster than NetworkSolutions. Often times our dev team will point DNS at our servers and let them manage DNS b/c of NETSOL issues.

If its been more than 4h (usually the average TTL) and it says its pointed correctly in MXToolbox or What’s my DNS, call support! They’ll get it taken care of in no time.
