Yes, if you want to track each version separately you need to hack the tracking script a little bit.
You will see this line in your script:
For each page you want to track separately you will change it to look more like this:
I suggest giving it the same naming convention as the variant, that will make it easier to recognize.
So, if you are doing a classic A/B test you would do something like:
The Google Analytics script for Varient A includes:
The Google Analytics script for Varient B includes:
Now you will see different page statistics for each variant that you have marked in this way.
How to do it with universal analytics?
Will this work?
ga(‘create’, ‘UA-xxxxxxx-x’, ‘’);
ga(‘require’, ‘displayfeatures’);
ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’,’/your-landing-page/a’ );
Hey Luis!
Replace this line of code in your script
ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’ );
with this:
ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’, document.location.pathname + +,’%20’));
That should correctly track each page variant independently in your reporting.
Thank you Johny,
I will start tracking and check the results, for feedback.