Hey Laura - how you’ll do this depends how you’ve integrated Google Analytics but since “Universal Analytics” is their new standard, I’ll show you how using that method.
In Unbounce, your image will have an ID which you’ll need for this implementation. To find it, select your image then look in the Advanced section of the properties pane. It should be something like #lp-pom-image-23
You’ll then add the following code to your page using the Javascript tab. Just be sure to update the image ID with your image’s actual ID:
$(’#lp-pom-image-23’).on(‘click’, function() {
ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘button’, ‘click’, ‘nav-buttons’);
Otherwise you’ll want to update the event, button, and click properties to match your reporting specifications in GA.
But that’s about it.
It should work the same way for your Twitter & Facebook codes as well, though you’ll have to poke around each embed code to find their unique IDs.
I hope that helps.
You can check out more of Google’s implementation tips at https://developers.google.com/analyti…