How do I create multiple landing pages, NOT variants, each with its own URL?

  • 9 October 2015
  • 5 replies


We use Salesforce and are running a campaign with multiple email lists in SF AND advertising via social media.

In order to assign leads to each mailing list - there are 12 in all - as well as assign leads to the ad campaign (there is 1 for a total of 13) we need to create 13 pages each with its own URL.

The only difference from page to page will be SF code that creates the form (we won’t be using Unbounce’s built in form generator.)

We have used the duplicate and create new page options but neither allows us to have no variants and 13 separate pages where we can edit the form code.

Unbounce tech support has not even been able to understand what we are trying to do so we are reaching out to you, the community, for assistance.

We are certain this can be done and must be missing something…

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

5 replies

Hi Elizabeth,

From the page that shows you all the pages you’ve created and with the groups on the left hand side there will be the list of pages. On each page there is a “cog” icon with a drop down arrow, if you click the drop down arrow and choose “Duplicate Page”, make sure the main variant box is ticked, and then click on “Duplicate Page” button. That will then create a copy of the page you want to use as a template, you can then go in and change the URL and the name of the page to match the individual requirements.

Just as an added note, I have clients who use SF and we have integrated the same kind of functionality using the Unbounce form and a webhook (they use SF professional so the in built unbounce integration doesn’t work for us). You get to still use the lead database built into unbounce and conversion stats (although you can setup external conversion triggers with a custom form anyway) but it’s just easier to manage if you don’t want to add extra scripts etc.

If you wanted the webhook then I’d be happy to share, its no problem either way just wanted to make sure you were aware the option is there.

Hope that helps


Hi Stuart,

Thanks so much for your help! I did try this already and the issue is that I cannot edit the duplicated page. The only page Unbounce will allow me to edit is the Main Variant. I obviously don’t want to modify that, as I ultimately need 13 variations of it to use, on their own.

We actually can use the Unbounce integration but according to SF premium support, that will only allow us to apply leads to one campaign or list. In order to have use all these different lists (12 in all) they told us we had to create a web to lead form, then change out the campaign code within the HTML. We have tested it and it works. However, if there is a webhook you are aware of that will enable us to do this we’d love to hear it. Thank you again!


Hi Elizabeth, we use and pass a url parameter from our marketing into unbounce that matches our campaigns in SF using the webhook but I’d need to check a couple things with you. Feel free to ping me an email on and I’ll talk you through the options and also solve this page duplication barrier with you.



Hi Elizabeth,

Absolutely, please feel free to drop me an email on and I’ll give you the info and help with this duplicating page barrier.



that great information, it will be solved my problem nice info
