How do I create a download file button on the landing page?

  • 19 August 2013
  • 3 replies

I would like to add a “download PDF” button to my landing page. However, the “download file” option in the button editor only appears for buttons on the form confirmation page. How do I create a button that downloads a file on the actual landing page?

3 replies

Hey Andres - It could indeed. If you have “” pointed over to Unbounce then it wouldn’t work quite right.

You could upload your file to a subdomain like “” or you could use something like Dropbox’s public folder to host the file.

Hi, thanks for the reply. Do you know if the external file will appear if I am using a CNAME pointing my custom url to unbounce?

I just tried uploading a pdf to my sites public folder, but when I go look for it via the web, it cannot be found. I wonder if this has something to do with my domain pointing to unbounce.


Hi Andres, unfortunately right now the main pages and their buttons cannot host a pdf file for download and you would be right in that this is only possible on the form confirmation pages.

However, if you can get your pdf file hosted externally, you can then attach a ‘.pdf’ link to a button your main Unbounce page to allow the download from there.
