Hi Mattis,
Currently, Unbounce doesn’t support password protecting a landing page.
What you are trying to achieve can be accomplished a few different ways, depending on your potential visitor’s technical prowess:
- URL Parameter - Using a URL parameter to verify the right of the visitor to see the page.
Example: landingpage.com/promotion?pass=ABC123
In this case, your visitor needs to enter the URL exactly as the example above. If they try to visit the page without the proper URL parameter or with a different parameter, they won’t be able to see the page.
Password Field oFront End Solution]- In this case, you can have a password field that tries to match a predefined value/password through a JS script. Technically, it’s trivial for a person to look up the source code of the page and find the password. It comes down to how technically skilled your visitors are and the sensitivity of the information you want to protect. Would it be catastrophic if an unauthorized person finds it? Since you are advertising through a flyer, I assume it’s some kind of sale promotion so not a big problem but still.
Password Field PBackend Solution] - Last but not least, you can have a backend script that handles verification and checks whether the password is right/wrong and proceeds accordingly.
Either way, you’ll need to write script(s) to get it done.
How important is a feature like this to your campaigns and how secure do you want it to be?
Of course it is completely possible, you can refer to the how-to site at the website that has done it the way you want.