How a welcome mat/squeeze page using Unbounce and WordPress?

  • 11 November 2011
  • 3 replies
  • 1 view

The first time you visit it takes you to (a squeeze page). The next time you go you go straight to the homepage.

Any idea how I can use Unbounce to do this for my own site?


  • William

3 replies

Hey William, lots of ways you could accomplish this then, with all of the work being on the Dreamhost side. My first inclination would be use a combination of Apache’s mod_usertrack to set the cookies, and then mod_rewrite to do the redirect. If you’re more comfortable with client-side techniques you could also use Javascript:…


Thanks for getting back to me! I only planned to host the squeeze page on Unbounce and the home page using Dreamhost.

Any other guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Generally this is accomplished by setting a cookie when the user first visits and redirecting them to your squeeze page. On subsequent visits, you check for the cookie and don’t redirect if it’s present. The details depend a lot on the specifics of your hosting. Are you planning on hosting both your home page and the squeeze page on Unbounce?
