Hiding page from search engines

  • 6 October 2020
  • 2 replies

Any reason we would want to tick this box in our page properties? I’m noticing that I’ve barely budged on QS for the last 3 weeks since starting unbounce and noticed this box was ticked. Will this make a difference in the eyes of Adwords/Google?

2 replies

I think the function to hide Unbounce pages from search engines is best used to keep the specific marketing campaign only available to the target audience.

So if an offer for “buy one get one free” for a tv, were only to be sent to an email list-- we don’t want people doing a google search for tv’s to come across this landing page and getting out of context because they are not part of the audience in the email list.

Usually landing pages have a short life-span so there isn’t much time for search engine crawls to gather data and start ranking results. Which means there is little impact when ticking that box, at least that is what I have experienced.

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@Kyle.Carline is spot on. Quality score will be much more impacted by the relevance of the page to the ad, and the relevance of the ad to the searcher’s intent. Google wants to deliver the exact experience the user wants. The more it thinks you’re providing that, the better your QS. Whether it’s indexed for organic search or not shouldn’t affect that.

Have you tried playing with DTR? That’s been our most consistent way to raise QS.
