Hello forum members and Unbounce team!
I have a few questions regarding how to best setup my Adwords campaign…
Due to Google’s Enhanced Campaigns, we simply cannot create 100% mobile-only campaigns… although Mobile traffic is what I’m aiming for…
So far this is what I have created in the Adwords campaign:
Within this specific AdGroup, I have 4 different ads: 2 setup for ‘All’ devices and 2 setup for ‘Mobile’.
In my Unbounce account I also created 4 different landing pages: 2 variants for ‘All’ devices and 2 variants for ‘Mobile’ traffic…
So the 2 mobile-ads are linked to the 2 variant mobile landing pages, and the 2 other ads are linked to the other 2 variant landing pages…
So my questions are: Is this OK what I’m doing? Am I over working by creating too many landing pages, or is this the right way to do it?
Considering this is my first AdGroup with 4 ads (2 mobile/2 desktop) linking to 4 Unbounce landing pages (2 mobile/ 2 desktop)… I will need to do this for all my future 100+ AdGroups, right?
It seems like a lot of work, but I guess it’s ok, considering the rewards.
Anyways, please provide some feedback on this. Thanks in advance!