Give everyone access to a public image asset library

I love the templates available, the design is great! But when I start a page from scratch, I would like to be able use some of the images used in there. Images like button backgrounds, gradients, etc. Is there an image library in unbounce? Is there a way to do that?

23 replies

Wow, Frederico, I can’t believe we never answered your question! I know this is ridiculously late, but I just wanted to mention that we are definitely considering adding an image library and making these kinds of things easier. Thanks for the feedback!

That would be fabulous if you did. 🙂

Has this been done yet?

so we have a img library?…

This site has a few useful icons etc in the mean time.

I would love an image library as well. Also, the ability to organize photos into directories would be great, we’ve got 4 landing pages cranking and when we make changes, shuffling through all the images is frustrating (I’m looking around to make sure this isn’t something that already exists that I’ve missed).

Please make this available! It is a great idea and needs some attention.

Yes - Faraz – I agree. I’ve looked for the template image assets, and was really hoping they’d be there somewhere so I could move them around & add as needed.


Hi, I was thinking about it, and I found a way to use images from other landing pages. It is not very efficient but it solves my problems at the moment.

When I am building a new landing page and I need an image not included in its template, I follow the following steps:
1.Create a new landing in whose template we can find the desired image.
2.In this new landing page, I click on the desired image and save it to my “own” image library (saved in my hard disk).
3.Open the first landing page that I am building and then I am able to upload the desired image.

The good point is that once you do it with an image, you can always use it in new landing pages.

Anyway Unbounce should change it quickly as well as implementing the ability to track different conversions separately.

I hope you find it useful!!!

New to UB, and was looking for this feature today, too!

It’s kind of ridiculous that the images that are used in the templates aren’t available to use in other pages.

I have noticed most of the images in the Unbounce templates come from

Still, there should be an image gallery for sure.

As Matt mentioned, is a great resource for these assets. As for our own “Public Unbounce Images” library - it’s next up on our editor roadmap. Development is likely to start in the next week or so. We’ll let you all know as soon as we roll this out.

I do have a question for everyone though: in addition to the images we have in our current templates, are there certain images that you would like available in a public gallery? More arrows? More badges?


Arrows, call-to-action buttons, video boxes, guarantee badges, form templates - thx!

Hey Matt, can you just clarify what you mean by video boxes and form templates?

Arrows and badges make total sense, and hopefully you’ll be pleasantly surprised by some upcoming improvements to our actual button widget (rounded corners, gradients, text shadow, etc…)

A skin which can go around a video (to make it look nicer on the page) and a form template such as themes for when I’m creating the forms inside Unbounce.

Gotcha, thanks Matt!

Just an update with this - the ability to select images from an “Unbounce Public Library” is now in the QA phase and will be ready to go live very soon. Initially we’ll start by including all the image assets from all of our templates, but we’ll add to that library over time.

Spent a lot of time trying to figure out why I didn’t see a button for that. That would certainly be awesome and save tons of time!

Hello everyone,
This has been a long time coming and we’re finally ready to announce it: Unbounce now allows you to access a library of over 200 graphics including new icons, badges, and arrows, as well as all existing assets from our templates. Some of you will have already seen this, as it’s been live for a while now.

In addition to accessing image assets, we’ve also improved the speed of the image library, as well as adding some more capabilities with renaming images, sorting them, and filtering with search.

Read more about what’s new in our “Unblog” post over here…

As always, we love feedback! Are we missing some key graphics that you wish you had access to?


Is it possible to alter the icons? For example the color, in order to match the rest of the webpage.

Can you just have a page with all of your image assets available so us Unbounce Fans can download and use them? Thanks!
