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I plan to sell physical products with Unbounce. I am taking payments with invoices so no need for payment integrations (I just ask for name and adress for invoice).

I plan to have more than one offer to each customer, I plan to set up the following:

PAGE1(Offer page): Buy my product x for 50$ (Fill out form and click “yes-button”)

“yes-buttin” -> PAGE2(upsell page): Also get product y for just 30$ (Click “yes-button” / Click “no-button”)

“yes-button” -> PAGE3(thank you page): Thank you page: Thank you for buying product x and y

“No-button” -> PAGE4(thank you page): Thank you page: Thank you for buying product x

My question:

  • How can I set this up, so I get a list with customers that buy only x and customers that buy only y? I guess I also will have to connect the pages, as I only have the form for the first page.

Hope anyone have done something like this or know how 🙂

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