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There needs to be some integration between unbounce and FB…and I can’t believe this doesn’t already exist.

It would be nice to drop some of these tools into my landing page:…

I’m not a developer so going through the documentation is pretty confusing:…

I am trying to do this with the SDK but am not sure if it will work.

Just a thought

Hey Joel - thank you for the feedback

You can definitely embed Facebook widgets on your landing page and it’s a lot easier than the Facebook documentation might make it seem.

All you really need to do is:

  1. Grab the code of the widget you want to use and

  2. Paste the code onto your landing page as a custom HTML component

Let’s say you wanted to embed the ‘Like Box’ on your landing page.

Visit the page for that plug-in, customize the widget as you like by playing around with the provided interface, then click ‘Get Code’.

In the dialog box that appears, select ‘iframe’ and copy the code to the clipboard.

Then, all you need to do is paste that code onto your landing page as a custom HTML component. You can read more about doing that at…

If you try these steps out and are still having a rough time, send us an email to and we’ll take a look.

hey Brian, what about going the other way. I tried to use a static iFrame app readily available on FB to display an unbounce landing page and couldn’t get it to work. Kinda like Joel I’m not really a developer or coder so it’s all pretty much trial and error and alot of frustration for me. Any ideas?

Hey Todd - If I’ve understood correctly, you’re wondering how to go about using an Unbounce landing page over at Facebook. If so, Oli’s article… should get you started in Unbounce while the article he links to should show you how to set things up on the Facebook side.


Hey Joel - thanks for pointing that out

In that case, you can still embed those objects, they just require an extra step.

You will have to create a Facebook App ID and then embed two different bits of code onto your landing page:

  • The Facebook javascript SDK (where you’ll punch in your App ID) and

  • The code to display the plugin on your landing page

I put together an article in our knowledge bast at… that should walk you through the process. As always, send me an email to if you have any questions.

Ahhh…good stuff, thanks

Good points as well…

We want to integrate our LP into our facebook page, however we need https due to a recent Facebook policy change, all FB pages in future will need https…

Can you please let me know if we can do this with unbounce?
