False positive number of visitors

  • 21 October 2014
  • 4 replies

We run a special mailing campaign each week. The number of e-mails sent is quite small (about 50). Typically we have 1 to 3 visitors on the landing page (that’s what our mailing software tells us). The number of visitors shown in Unbounce is always higher.

Example: Today we had one person that clicked the CTA in the mailing and unbouce shows 4 visitors.

That is really strange and I am loosing trust in the unbounce stats.

4 replies

Userlevel 3
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Hi Rolf - I emailed you directly, but in case anyone else was seeing something similar, I wanted to post here to explain what’s happening with your post counts.

Email marketing software typically counts clicks from each email by subscriber (which they can do, since they know exactly what address each email has been sent to).

Unbounce tracks repeat visitors via cookie.

Rolf had some visitors that were hitting his page from the same email (which means they’d only be one count according to his email marketing software), but were using different browsers. Since those browsers all have different caches, the cookie we served for the first visit in browser one, wouldn’t be there on the return visit in browser two, so that would count for two hits in Unbounce.

Userlevel 3
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Hi Rolf,

Unbounce will count both. The visitors number is unique, but the Page Overview screen will also show you a views count, which is the total of all views:

I’ve just opened up a support ticket, so I can grab the precise page you’re looking at right now and I can dig into the stats a bit more. Please look out for my email.

Hi Quinn,

Thanks for getting back to me. Our landing pages are hidden from search engines. Today we started a new campaign and the the mismatch between data from our e-mail software and unbounce is significantly (25 unique visitors according to Inxmail vs. 33 visitors according to unbounce). Is unbounce showing unique visitors or simply visitors?

We have installed GA now and I’ll watch the numbers carefully for the next time. I’ll get back to you when I can compare GA data with unbounce.

Userlevel 3
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Hi Rolf - I took a look at our page server stats and we can track all 4 (now 5) unique visitors to that page. If you’re driving traffic from an email, there isn’t anything that prevents people from coming across the pages from other sources (ex. if someone shares the link with a colleague, etc.).

While it’s not as likely that your getting organic search traffic for pages that have launched only a day or two ago, I’d recommend checking the “hide my page from search engines” checkbox in your Page Properties as well, which will prevent it from being crawled by Google, et al.

We can always confirm whether the hit counts you’re getting are legit (and usually determine whether it’s humans or bot traffic–though we filter almost all of the latter), but if you do install Google Analytics on your page, you’ll be able to see things like referral traffic as well, which will help you determine where else your traffic is coming from (and you’ll also be able to confirm additional hits yourself).
