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I have tried without success to embed this code;

" rel="nofollow" target="\_blank" title="Link http//ezyeventsaustralianclubscomau/wp-content/plugins/EzyWebEvents/ezywebeventsjs/script"\>"\><...>;

     EzyWebEvents(54,‘tile_listing’, ‘facebook’,‘tile’,10);

into my landing page using the html widget

also tried adding it using the javascript link in the footer but a bit out of my depth, not knowing how to apply it.

I realise there are tons of javascript conversations in this forum but got lost trying to find the specific solution.

The code works for me with no problem in this JSFiddle:

Can you either create a Fiddle which replicates your environment, or provide any console errors?

Am I using correct technique by simply pasting the code into a html panel?

looking at the way you have added the information at JSFiddle, I think I am missing a lot of information with regard to the correct way to add to unbounce - can you direct me toward a tutorial?
