Dynamic Text Inside of Custom HTML

I need to be able to use Dynamic Text inside of a custom html snippet.

That said, I already have Dynamic Text working elsewhere in the page, but I’m not able to include DT in a custom HTML snippet b/c there’s no Dynamic Text editor in there. 

Is there some shorthand or merge tag I can use to accomplish this?

PHP would work, but not supported to my knowledge since it’s server-side.



6 replies

Dynamic Text is done server-side. This is what Unbounce injects into the text editor:

Dynamic Text

You can try to manipulate it and see if the page accepts it. But there could be something more complicated going on.

If that doesn’t work you can use Javascript:

I tried to put in the Dynamic text tags, but that didn’t work. It just fills the iframe with the merge tag rather than the dynamic text.

See here…

Oh great! will give this a shot… and save JS as a last resort…

So if I’m trying to grab the email… it should look like this?

Dynamic Text

FANTASTIC STUFF PB!!! After a little tweaking… it worked!

Philip is a wizard. Great job!!
