Differentiate Adwords leads from other leads on the same page

Hello everyone,

Maybe you can help me out with this:
We’re currently running several PPC campaigns, and we have leads coming in from Adwords, as well as from other sources.

I was wondering if it was possible to have all the leads coming to a single landing page, and know from the conversion if the lead came from Adwords or from other sources.

Our goal here is to test these different sources as different variants, instead of different pages

Has anyone ever tried to do that?

10 replies

Perfect! Thanks

Thank you very much Hristian, that’s exactly what I need! I guess that’s what Frederico was explaining also up above.

Thanks to everyone for your answers!

It’ll work if the field is a text input. You don’t need the default answer. You need to keep the text field empty so it’ll be filled by the “?Lead_source” parameter.

The destination URL is perfect, you could use it for any source just changing the text after the “=”.

Thanks Frederico, I created a hidden field called Lead_source already in the form, with as a default answer ‘Adwords’. Could the destination url then be http://myURL.com/?Lead_source=Adwords"?

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Hi Helisoa, 

All excellent suggestions so far.

I would also agree that analyzing your campaign performance through Google Analytics is your best course of action but I also know that it might be a bit intimidating. 

Fortunately, there is one more way you can track your leads directly in your Unbounce leads list if you don’t want to deal with GA right now. 

In essence, you would tag your links with what’s know as UTM parameters. 

ex. If your URL is: example.com/landing_page/ when tagged with UTM parameters it becomes:  example.com/landing_page/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=bestkeyword

You can change the source, medium and campaign based on your needs (google, facebook, email, guest blog post, etc.).

There is a handy URL builder right here: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1033867?hl=en

After that, you just go into your landing page editor, select your form and add 3 hidden fields exactly matching: utm_source, utm_medium and utm_campaign.

Now, when you use these tagged URLs to lead visitors to your landing page, Unbounce will automatically fill the 3 hidden fields and with the appropriate content. 

Later on, when you are reviewing your leads you’ll be able to see exactly where they came from. 

There’s a bit more information on this method as well as what the other community members have recommended right here: http://documentation.unbounce.com/hc/en-us/articles/203509994

Hi Holisoa, 

Just implement your Google Analytics script on your landing pages and you’ll be able to get all the data you need.

Simply go to your landing page report, click on the relevant landing page and set Source/Medium as your secondary dimension. 

You could also do this with Goal tracking in Google Analytics. If you connect analytics to your adwords it should work pretty seemlessly.


Hi Holisoa!

You can do it if you create a new text field in your form, lets call it “adwords”, and hide it. Then you must post the data from the URL.
So, in the destination URL in your Adwords campaigns, you must add “?adwords=true” at the end of your URL (Example: "http://yourURL.com/?adwords=true"). Then, every form filled by a Lead generated via Adwords would have a “TRUE” in that field, and the others will have it blank.

Hope this solve your problem.


Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your help and quick reply!
Yeah we have that already set up, but what we would like ideally is to be able to see from the conversion form if which lead came from Adwords. This would help us know at the end of the sales funnel (when the leads are converted to $$) which ones came from Adwords and finally mesure the cost per aquisition.

I’m not sure if that makes sense 🙂

Hello Holisoa,

Yes there is a pretty easy to implement solution to this. Within adwords, you can create some conversion tracking code, then you place that in the javascript of your form submission page.

Then in Adwords you can see which campain etc the conversion came from.

You can also do the same for Facebook.

More info here: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/1722054?hl=en-GB

Let me know if you any more questions, Adwords is my bread and butter.

Daniel Gillen
