Hi guys…
I am trying to design a landing page for my business - www.thepoleroom.com.au/casualclasses As part of the template, I needed to place a fitness timetable for classes in one of the page sections. I use an external html timetable that is dynamic and increases or decreases depending on the number of classes I run each week. The problem with unbounce is that the page sections are static and do not move. As a result the timetable does not display correctly.
When I emailed unbounce they directed me to a similar topic - /topics/dynamic_unbounce_page_height and asked me to follow the instructions.
I have followed the instructions using javascript and custom css and even though I had no idea what I was doing, I successfully added the timetable to the bottom of my page!! Woohoo!!
Now that the feeling of elation has worn off, I have two questions for any tech genius out there:
When I view the page live, the custom css is appearing at the top of my page. How do I hide it?
The timetable is being displayed at the bottom of the page. This is not ideal placement. Is there anyway I can place this timetable in one of my page sections above the ‘contact us’ form?
Any help will be much appreciated!