Hi @Thomas_Rohde,
In theory, you can do what you want but not through the excel file directly.
You’ll need to “host” your table somewhere on the web where a script can query it and return the price.
Google Sheets might be one way but even a simple text file should do the trick.
A quick thought: I would add a second layer, some sort of pass they have to fill out so they can’t stumble upon eachothers prices.
Imagine a person putting in the wrong details and seeing the same things he bought for the last few months, but at half price .
Thank you!
Is there a script similar to what I am looking for?
I’m quite new in coding so writing it from scratch is likely to be an issue for me.
@andreasobel makes another very good point - how secure do you need this look up to be?
Unfortunately, I haven’t come across a similar script.
Look into JS & arrays but keep in mind this would be a front-end solution - hence not very secure.
If you need more control and security, you would need a bit of a backend and a database.
There is only two columns in the data sheet:
- an individual and anonymous customer ID
- The new price connected to the ID.
So if the number inserted by the visitor matches an ID in colunm 1, the price from column 2 should be displayed.
Obviously, security is always important but this data is quit anonymous.