Cannot open Intercom chat window on clicking hyper link

  • 28 July 2016
  • 2 replies

I applied the following code:

 in text box, but it doesn’t prompt chat window on clicking the link.

I even used the following JQuery:

$(document).ready(function(){$('# id_of_element_a').click(function(){Intercom('show');});});

Using this code, prompts the chat window to open as the page loads.

I have already added "Intercom " script in script manager, which shows chat icon on all the landing pages including the mentioned page.

2 replies

I figured out the solution for it. 

I am adding the solution for others to benefit 

Add the following code in the text for the link

 to prompt the Intercom chat window to open:

Added the following script in Javascript




Awesome, thanks for sharing!
