Can I create a linked sales funnel?

  • 29 September 2010
  • 2 replies

I want to create a sales funnel with Unbounce, rather than just a single page … So I want to create a Squeeze Page, then take the person to a sales page, then to a thankyou page. Is that possible to do all within Unbounce?

2 replies

Wonderful. Thanks Carl.

Hi Cameron! The answer is “almost”. For the sales page, we don’t yet have SSL, or shopping cart integration, so you’d have to use a hosted cart page. You can definitely have the squeeze and thank you page on Unbounce. The last missing piece of the puzzle is external conversion tracking. External conversion tracking is coming out really soon (very small number of weeks).

So you could definitely start setting things up with Unbounce, but it’ll be just a little while yet before you could turn on a campaign, assuming you want to use our split testing and conversion tracking. You could probably get started today if you wanted to use external analytics (like Google Analytics, for example) for your full funnel reporting.
