Button doesn't work in Preview Mode?

  • 30 March 2017
  • 2 replies

I am making a simple landing page with a button but when I preview the page and click the button, nothing happens. I am just linking the button to Google.com and setting it to open in a new window. I have set it to open in the same window as well, and have tried linking different websites.

I have tried send backwards until it greys out, and send forward until it greys out.

Do buttons not work in preview mode?

Please help.


2 replies

Thanks for the reply! as a suggestion I’d recommend adding this to your documentation somewhere, I could not find it for the life of me!

Thanks again

Userlevel 6

Hey @nick753 that’s correct, external links won’t work in Preview mode I’m afraid. Apologies for the confusion. Internal anchor links and lightbox buttons will function normally in Preview, but external links will lead to the blank page you’re describing.

As a way to test external links I usually recommend publishing the page to a test URL. This could be an unbouncepages.com URL (which isn’t indexed by search engines) with a random string as the path.

Hope this helps!
