I’ve been creating a new website and I’m running into some issues with the background video settings no applying the attributes in the query string. I would like the video to be a youtube playlist and run at HD1080 (or HD720) by default.
Steps to recreate
- Create a page in Unbounce
- Set the video background to be a youtube playlist and/or set vq=hd1080 e.g.
h t t p s://www.youtube.com/embed/xxxxxxxxxxx?controls=0&showinfo=0&rel=0&autoplay=1&loop=1&mute=1&wmode=opaque&list=PLAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx&vq=hd1080
(the above URL works fine when embeded outside of the Unbounce background video settings)
- The main video loads but not the playlist
- The quality is not HD1080 (also doesn’t work with HD720.
Further investigation:
Inspecting the rendered page source code, the youtube video is embeded with completely different query string attributes to the one I set on the background video URL. It looks like a youtube API takes over this functionality in Unbounce.
Has anyone else come across this and has a workaround or fix?