Autopopulating spanish form field with a word that contains an accent?

Hey there,

I am working on a landing page for a spanish-based platform.  There is a form field called Cup—n
,meaning coupon, and the URL parameter has "/?Cup—n=123456 ".  The form will not autopopulate with the code.  Now if I tweak there parameter to field that does not have an accent i.e. email it will autopopulate the code in the email field. 

Unbounce team - I can see that facebook “codes” the accent in Cup—n with “Cup%C3%B3n”, the browser leaves it as is when I paste the URL and am curious how Unbounce is “coding” the accent.  Any workarounds would be greatly appreciated! 🙂

Thank you,


4 replies

Hello Luisa,

What a simple and logical workaround!  I have not made the change yet, but thank you for the temporary solution until Unbounce can make the fix.

Thank you,


I think you can change the Field name and ID of the Cup—n field, uncheck the box for the “auto-generate from Field Label”, remove the accent, just leave it as cupon, and just leave it as /?Cupon=123456

Any ideas on what I can do to resolve this?  It appears autopopulation and exit overlays are a lost cause in facebook, but the autopopulate *should* be able to work on a regular landing page.  Any ideas?

Any idea what may be blocking the autopopulate here?  Seems to be directly related to the accent, but I am open to any ideas on how to work around this.  Really am hoping to have this fixed because the target audience for this particular opportunity speaks spanish 🙂
