A dilemma

  • 12 January 2014
  • 2 replies

So here’s a dilemma. You need a lot of visits and conversions to do A/B testing and find winning page designs/texts quickly (in reasonable time, say a couple of weeks). But the only way to do that is to bid on high-volume broad keywords which, in turn, will inevitably lower your conversion rate simply because you use a broad or phrase match instead of the exact one.

When you use an exact match though you don’t get as many visits and clicks as you need for testing.

2 replies

Hey Marat - I wouldn’t give up. Your original post seems more like a comment than a question.

What kind of advice are you hoping for from other users?

So, apparently, everyone has a market so fertile that they get tons of clicks even on highly specific keywords 🙂 Am I the only one here with this issue?
