5 Steps To More Conversions: Step 5

  • 25 November 2015
  • 3 replies
  • 1 view

This thread is dedicated to those taking The 5 Steps To More Conversions course. If you’d like to join, we’d love to have you! You can sign up here.

Optimization is the final reason why campaign specific landing pages can convert people so much more effectively than web pages. Having a page dedicated solely to campaign traffic allows you to learn the behaviour and expectations of that specific audience and make changes to address what you’ve learned Ð without screwing up your existing website experience.

In the last email in the series, we asked you to…

Step through your most important campaign. When you get to your landing page, make a hypothesis about something you could change based entirely on what you’ve learned in this course. Some elements you could test include:

  • Headline/value proposition
  • Call to action copy, color, and positioning
  • Using images or video for your hero shot
  • Number of form fields
    When you’ve made that hypothesis, take a screenshot of your page as-is and let the group know what your hypothesis is and why you chose it.

If you have any questions about where to start, what makes a good hypothesis, or how to carry out an A/B test to prove your hypothesis, ask away!

3 replies

Hi Guillaume,

At a high level, we’ve got Our CRO (Michael Aagaard) searching for the biggest opportunities to increase conversion rates at various steps of our funnel. He’ll identify these opportunities in Google Analytics, then prioritize them, gather feedback and data like crazy, formulate a hypothesis and either run a test himself or get another department involved if really technical stuff is involved.

On a campaign by campaign basis, our Campaign Strategists launch and measure the outcome, then if the campaign shows enough promise to continue, we come up with opportunities to improve performance and decrease effort. We then incorporate those changes, measure, come up with opportunities, repeat… Or at least that’s how it happens when we’re diligent 🙂

Hi Corey,

I’m curious, what’s your conversion optimisation process over at Unbounce?


Michael Aagaard is our resident conversion rate optimization expert. He’s got a ton of great resources explaining how to collect information, create hypotheses and execute A/B tests to improve conversion rates. A few of his posts I’d recommend include:
