2 columns form - but NOT on the mobil page

  • 4 February 2015
  • 3 replies

is it possible to have a 2 columns form on the desktop landingpage but on the variant for mobil not?
I use a responsive template. Can i have different scripts on this two pages?

To see on this url: http://unbouncepages.com/douglas2/

Best regards

3 replies

Userlevel 2

Hi Wilhelm,

The script doesn’t alter the tabindex of the fields at all, meaning the tab will go between fields in the same order as it does normally.

We don’t have an easy way of changing this Ð but if this is something that’s important to you, you could use jQuery to set the ‘tabindex’ attribute of the fields manually.


Sorry I can’t give you a complete walkthrough here but I hope that helps!

Hello Mark,
this is great! Thanks a lot!

Is there any chance to influence the tabindex of the form-fields.
Becaus if you fill the form and jump into the next field i goes now horizontal and it should to vertical.
To see here: http://zuschuss.ew-energy-world.de/test-diealte/

best regards

Userlevel 2

Hi Michael,

It looks like you’re using an older script that was developed way before Unbounce supported mobile responsive layouts.

If you switch to this version - https://getsatisfaction.com/unbounce/… - you’ll be able to get a horizontal form layout on desktop that reverts to the vertical orientation on mobile.

Hope that helps!
