[How to] Conditionally Display Additional Form Fields Based On Dropdown Selection

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Want to avoid scaring someone off with too many form fields? Or maybe you want to collect an additional bit of information based on the context of a separate field (state/province based on the country selection, for example). Now you can with our latest addition to Tips and Scripts!

Introducing: Conditional Dropdown Fields :parrot:

This script will allow you to add a drop down field that will conditionally show which field appears next based on what the user chooses.

You can see this in action (built in Unbounce) here:

And the State/Province example here:


Click here to view the instructions

This is not an official Unbounce feature. This functionality is based entirely on third party code, and has only been tested in limited applications. Since this isn’t a supported Unbounce feature, our support team will be unable to assist if things go awry. So if you are not comfortable with HTML, Javascript and CSS, please consider consulting an experienced developer.

Step 1. Add the Javascript

You can find the javascript here: https://gist.github.com/RobertCam/0be9efb09a091e1880ffeb5edadf2d1a

Since this gets asked for fairly often in Support land, there is also a version of this script designed specifically to conditionally show a state or province field based on the selection of a country: https://gist.github.com/RobertCam/d7ac63b249eba28941872443cb9f2643

Step 2. Create the Form

If you haven’t already, add a dropdown field to the form on your page. The script will target the specified number of fields that follow the dropdown, hiding them and displaying the first field if the first dropdown option is selected, the second field if the second dropdown option is selected, ect…

If you are using the state/province version make sure that the state field comes before the province field in your form.

Step 3. Update the ID of the Dropdown Field, the box containing the form (if there is one), the Submit button, and the “count” Variable

Replace the ID in the script for the for the ID of dropdown field you wish to trigger the conditional logic on your page. Do the same with the submit button and any element the form is nested in. Then adjust the number for the the “count” variable to determine how many fields to conditionally show/hide.

Step 4. Adjust the Spacing of the Following Fields

If the conditional dropdown field is not the last field in your form you may need to slightly adjust the spacing for the fields that follow.

Change the number coming after the “space” variable in the code to adjust the vertical spacing of the following fields. Increasing the number will bring the fields up towards the top of the screen, decreasing it will push them down. It’s going to take a bit of trial and error (sorry).

The default in the script is for 5 fields. To get it working with 2 fields, for example, set the count to ‘2’ and the space to ‘15’.

**V.1 of this script is set to work only with two fields. You can find that here - https://gist.github.com/RobertCam/2e1fee450668037b237a450562fdcae3

You’re Done! :slowparrot:

Can’t see the instructions? Log-in or Join the Community to get access immediately. 🚀

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142 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi @Perrine

It should be possible to adjust the JS and “play” around with what’s required and what not at a particular state - if the field is visible or if it isn’t visible. 

I don’t have a ready made script but based on my experience with these Unbounce forms, it should be possible.  


hello @Timf 

You're right, I've just tested without the "first menu choice is not a valid value" option and my form sends correctly! Like you, it's quite important for me to be able to keep this functionality. 
Do you think there is a solution @Hristian

Thanks :) 

@Hristian & @Perrine 


I figured it out… at least with my use case. I’m using dropdown selectors for conditionally displaying options. Apparently drop-down selectors appear as required by default if the option“first menu choice is not a valid value” is checked. This also applies to conditionally displayed dropdowns causing these fields to be required and causing form submission not to work. Since the form builder doesn’t have a required checkbox to enable/disable for dropdown selectors, I read on another thread to simply uncheck the option “first menu choice is not a valid value.” So apparently this change makes the dropdowns not required. The logic for this kind of makes sense but ideally I’d like to have the main dropdown required and still have instructional text as first option that is not selectable. 


Hi @Hristian 

Thanks for your feedback. 

Here's the link to my test page with the form: http://unbouncepages.com/test-atawa/

Thanks for your help! 


Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi @Perrine & @Timf

It might be a number of reasons… is the console throwing up any errors? 

Can you duplicate your pages on the unboucepages.com domain and share a link here so the community can try and troubleshoot it for you?


I’m also having an issue with this solution. Everything is working except upon submit of form, nothing happens. Any suggestions on what could be wrong?


Hello ! 

I've just tested this script on my landing page, everything works perfectly, except that it's impossible to submit the form. When you click on the submit button, nothing happens... 
Could you help me? 

Thanks a lot, 

Hi Rob,

I have implemented conditional form here on a lightbox "http://preference.lookyounger.net/look-younger/"

Now its not letting me submit the form, basically submit btn is not working :(.



Thank you very much for the script. Im new here, I have no knowledge in doing jscript, I copied the script that was given but I cant seem to make it work with the below conditions, may I ask for help for the script on this one please:

  • When I select US, it should show City, State, Postcode fields.
  • Else, it hides city, state, postcode fields.

Thank you for the help!

Opps, I just read one reply with the same condition. Im checking the provided solution. Im all good thank yoU!


Thank you very much for the script. Im new here, I have no knowledge in doing jscript, I copied the script that was given but I cant seem to make it work with the below conditions, may I ask for help for the script on this one please:

  • When I select US, it should show City, State, Postcode fields.
  • Else, it hides city, state, postcode fields.

Thank you for the help!

Hi Gary,
Did you ever figure this out?

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi @Alfonsosbla,

You’ll need some custom JS and CSS to get the form working as you want.

The actual JS/CSS would have to be written specifically for your use case since you’ll have to adjust the position of the fields depending on your exact form. The JS would dictate the logic of what fields are shown when and based off of that the CSS would position the actual fields where they need to go.

On top of that you’ll have to play around with the fields validation and turn it on and off depending on what state the form is currently at. I posted a brief snippet above in regards to the validation.


I ended up doing something more “manual” and less pretty, but it works.

Hope somebody can answer my questions so I can make it better.

Hey @Carin Did you manage to do this? I’m looking for the same thing

Hello everyone! I have a doubt on how to make this happen:

Basically, I want to:

  • When Dropdown = 0, no fields are shown and the submit button becomes just a link to a specific page.
  • If dropdown = 1 I ask for the email
  • If dropdown = 2, I ask for email and phone

Right now, the scripts I’m using are:

But this is not allowing me to show 2 fields (email and phone) when dropdown is 2.



Hi, I am looking for a similar functionality,

I need a form which when a checkbox is checked it shows an additional phone number field. Is there an existing script for this?

I would like to do the same thing. Did you ever figure this out?

Hi Rob,

Don’t know whether this is doable. or not.

Is there a way to only have the reveal happen off one of the dropdown options?

So basically, If I had a dropdown called ‘How do you stay healthy’ and within that dropdown 4 or 5 options so Cycling / Gym / Running / Other. But I only want ‘Other’ to trigger the reveal. Is that doable?

Also, is the code capable of being used on more than one dropdown? I have a form currently that has several text input fields, then 3 dropdowns, some more text fields and finally a send button. Each of the 3 dropdowns has the ‘Other’ option which I would like reveal it’s own text field.

I hope all that makes sense?

Thanks for any help.


Hi! I´m not a JS developer. I managed to use the following script. Can you help me add the validation script?

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Unbounce Community :: Tips & Scripts :: Conditional State/ Province Form Field Based on Dropdown 
Do not remove this section. It helps our team track useage of external workarounds.

La documentación de este script está en: 


  //ID of Submit Button
  var submitBtn = $("#lp-pom-button-142"); 
  //ID of dropdown field
  var field = $("#provincia"); //escribir el ID con el #
  // Number of fields to show/hide with dropdown
  var count = 25;
  // Adjust to fine tune placement of other form fields
  var space = 27;
  // Add the ID of the containing element (box) of your form if one exists
  // Leave as "" if there is no box containing the form.
  var box = "lp-pom-box-388";
  var conFields = field.parent().nextAll().slice(0, +count);
  var moreFields = field.parent().nextAll().slice(count);
  var topPos = conFields.first().position().top;
  // function to add the heights of all fields selected 
  $(conFields).each(function() {
    $(this).css({top: topPos}); 
    var height = $(this).outerHeight(true);
    space = space += height;
  // hide fields
  conFields.css("display", "none");
  // position other form fields
  $(moreFields).each(function() {
    $(this).animate({top: "-=" + space},0);
  // function to show/hide fields
  var z = true;
  var box = $(box);
  $(field).change(function() {
    // adjust position of fields
    var fieldAdjust = function(h, dir) {
      if (dir == "up") {
        $(moreFields).each(function() {
          $(this).animate({top: "+=" + (h+5)}, 600)
        submitBtn.animate({top: "+=" + (h+5)}, 600);
        if (box != "") {
          box.animate({height: "+=" + (h+5)}, 600);
      } else if (dir == "down") {
        $(moreFields).each(function() {
          $(this).animate({top: "-=" + (h+5)}, 600)
        submitBtn.animate({top: "-=" + (h+5)}, 600);
        if (box != "") {
         box.animate({height: "-=" + (h+5)}, 600);
    var fieldGroup = range(0, count);
    if ((this.selectedIndex - 1)in fieldGroup) {
      var revealNum = this.selectedIndex-1;
    } else {
      var revealNum = -1;
    var revealField = conFields.get(revealNum);
    var otherFields = conFields.not(revealField);
    var fieldHeight = $(revealField).outerHeight(true);
    if (revealNum in fieldGroup) { 
      if (z) {
        z = false;
    } else {
      fieldAdjust(fieldHeight, "down");
      z = true;
  function range(start, end) {
    var array = new Array();
    for(var i = start; i < end; i++) {
    return array;

Is there a way I can have a selection of the dropdown open another dropdown?

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi @stevep,

Yes, you can have validation for fields that are visible and remove the validation for when the fields are not visible.

  1. First, you’ll need to remove the validation for the fields you are not showing. Here is an example for a checkbox field:

    const removeValidation = fields => { fields.forEach(element => { let items = document.getElementsByName(element); item = items[0]; item.removeAttribute('required'); item.removeAttribute('data-required'); item.type === 'checkbox' ? item.checked = false : item.value = ''; });

  2. Once they are shown, you’ll need to add the validation back in. Something like:

    const setValidation = field => { const items = document.getElementsByName(field); item = items[0]; item.setAttribute('required', 'required'); item.setAttribute('data-required', 'data-required'); };

The above is just an example and you’ll need to write up the actual script but this should point you in the right direction.


This is great, is there anyway to have the conditional field be required after being revealed?

Hi @Hristian,

Thanks for your answer. Maybe you can help me with the JS, here is the form logic that I want it to be. Attached screenshots of the form. The logic of the form should be:

  1. A person choose between “Student” to “Industry Profesional” in the drop-down field (all the below fields should be hidden)
  2. If the person clicks on “Student”, below should be the drop-down field is shown - “Experience” and that’s it.
  3. If the person clicks on “Industry Profesional”, below should be the 3 fields shown - “Company Name”, “Job Title” and dropdown “Industrial Experience”.

Hope I made it clear enough and you can help me 🙂

Thank you!
