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Want To Be A Community Leader?

  • 18 December 2020
  • 0 replies

Hi folks, hope you’re all doing well as we ramp down before the new year. I think we’re all ready for 2020 to be over!

Before Unbounce shuts off some of the lights for the winter break, I wanted to give y’all something to noodle on. We’re officially on the hunt for more Community Leaders 💪

The Unbounce Community Leaders are an awesome group of marketers from all over the world. They were each onboarded into this program because they were our most engaged members of the community. Since then, we’ve launched a Slack channel with 50 other members of the Unbounce team, get together every year for Unbounce’s Call To Action Conference, host customer meetups, create case studies, and jump on the occasional meeting over Zoom.

What it takes to be a Community Leader

Active in the community

You’re a community “regular” who keeps our forum active with engaging questions and helpful responses. But you’re not just answering questions, you’re asking them as well.

Subject matter expert

Community Leaders know their stuff, but they’re also able to impart their knowledge to help others succeed. You don’t need to have all the answers, but you’re creative and can find the resources to point others in the right direction. Maybe that’s a podcast, a link to some documentation, or a blog you’ve been reading.

Friendly demeanour

No matter how skilled you are, being a jerk is not tolerated. This group is full of folks who are generous and just love to help.

An important detail I’d like to point out here is this: Community Leaders don’t need to be marketing rocket scientists, but it’s cool if you are. What we’re looking for above all else is community members who keep this community active.

These Community Leaders help to keep this community thriving. They care about the industry, latest trends, and helping others launch high-quality campaigns.

At Unbounce we celebrate everyone and their multiple intersecting identities. We believe a panorama of experience allows us to make better decisions together and inspires innovation so that we can better serve our customers and community. Our goal is for every Community Leader to feel accepted and recognized through mutual value, respect, and understanding.

Interested in joining?

Yes, tell me how!

First and foremost, get active here in the community! It helps if you upload a profile photo so that I can keep an eye out for you. Once you’ve spent a few days chiming into threads, you can reach out to me (if I haven’t already reached out to you). Want to book a meeting to learn more about the Community Leaders Program? Fill out the form on this landing page and I’ll be in touch.

Feel free to comment on this post or reach out to me directly if you have any questions.

See you in the forums!


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