Unbounce data protection and security

  • 5 February 2013
  • 13 replies

After a recent discussion on data protection and security, it got me thinking about Unbounce. I’ve checked all over the site and support area but couldn’t find any information on the steps Unbounce takes to ensure privacy and security of the data it holds. I’m sure lots of security protocols take place behind the scenes, but it could be interesting to existing customers and also put new and potential customers security concerns to rest if there was more information available on this.

So my two ideas:
-Include a section on your site and sign up pages with more information on data security?
-Release some new security settings such as locking access via IP Address.

13 replies

And what about backup of the webpages?

Also there’s something that has always worried me, what happens if the service is down? I mean, for example, we have AdWords campaigns pointing to Unbounce pages, if Unbounce is down do we receive some alert or something?

I’m really happy with the service, it’s just curiosity 🙂

Hey Oliver, your comments are particularly timely given some conversations we’ve been having recently in this area. We’ll definitely be updating the site to include information about security (and yes, you’re right, there are a ton of things we do behind-the-scenes to ensure your data stays safe). We’ll also be creating a status page in the event that we do have any availability issues.

In terms of additional security measures, I’m not sure we’d implement any sort of IP address-based lockdown. That helps a bit, but it provides limited protection to brute-force and other types of attacks. We’d be more likely to put a web application firewall in place that would detect and mitigate a wide variety of malicious activity.

I’ll be sure to update this thread when we’ve got some progress to report!

Hey Ron, every published page is stored on Amazon S3, which is itself highly reliable. In addition, we do nightly full backups of the database where your page source is stored, and that database is replicated in realtime across two data centers on either side of the continent. Hope that makes you feel confident we’ve got you covered!

Hey there! While *we* won’t send you an alert, our own team gets alerted if any of our multiple monitoring systems detects an issue. In the event that one of the two Amazon data centers where we host our servers fails, we can manually cut over to the other one within a few minutes. That mechanism gets tested from time to time as we also rely on it to perform scheduled maintenance with zero downtime.

I just checked our Pingdom stats, and our published pages have seen 99.99% availability over the last year. When we get a status page up I’ll be sure to include those stats for your perusal!

Thanks a lot for the answer 🙂

Thanks for the update. I do believe that if business is critical, and time invested in setting up the pages is days or weeks, clients might like to download a backup file of their pages that they can load back online in a worse case scenario. Auto-save would also help me.

Presumably then data is stored outside the EU? We just need to know re: our own privacy policy.

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Hi Jane - we have four hosting locations currently, US-West, US-East, Singapore, and Ireland.

Hi Jane, just to clarify, while we do have four hosting locations, your data doesn’t reside in all of those. Any leads you collect, assets you upload, and page statistics we calculate are stored only in the US data centers (replicated between US East and US West). So you are absolutely correct in stating that the data is stored outside of the EU.

Our page serving is “latency-balanced” amongst all four data centers (visitors to your published pages are directed to the closest data center from a network latency perspective).

Hope that helps clarify things! We do eventually want to let you choose where your data resides, but that’ll take us a while yet.

I have a client asking me about data security. Is there a page on the site that details the security that UnBounce utilizes?

Hi Nicholas, 

At Unbounce, we recognize that keeping your data secure is extremely important. We have a security fact sheet that you can download here.
Hopefully, that should provide enough of an overview to give you confidence that your data is safe with Unbounce.

If you still have any security concerns - don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d be happy to address them.

Perfect. Thank you.
