Tracking you tube video

  • 15 September 2015
  • 1 reply

I want to track a video on an unbounce page (number of views, duration of views…) thank for your help

1 reply

Hello Staphane!

I think I can help you with this one 🙂

Check out Wistia, Vimeo Pro, Google Analytics and I believe VidYard has a solution.  Wistia will likely be the best, but they have a hefty price tag.

Wistia’s free version allows up to 25 videos but the video player will be Wistia branded.

Here is the link for Vimeo Pro’s stats FAQs

You could:

A) Setup a video hosting tool to recognize the page the video is embedded in when engagement occurs
B) Only place the video on one landing page

What is your landing page for this particular one?  Please let me know if I can be of any further help.

Best of luck,

