SEO Impact

  • 16 February 2012
  • 10 replies

I’m debating on whether to build a 25+ page website using Unbounce (of
which I’m already a loyal user) or WordPress (which I’ve built on
before). I’ve achieved great SEO results in the past with individual
Unbounce landing pages–same for full-on sites with WordPress. I prefer
Unbounce, however, as the page layouts, form field captures and 3rd party
integrations are far more customizable.

I realize that by building this on Unbounce, I’m essentially faking a
full-on site by linking together multiple landing pages.

What would be the impact on SEO by using Unbounce in this manner? Your
feedback is greatly appreciated.

10 replies

There is nothing conceptually wrong with building an entire site with Unbounce. From a stand point of technical structure we are very well built for communicating with both human and robot analysis.

As long as you follow other best practices (like clean URLs, appropriate titles, and keywords in internal anchor text) you will do well. I suggest using whichever system fits in to your integration needs best.

In essence all websites are just interconnected pages, so you should use whatever software or system makes it most comfortable for you to reach your goals.

If you use unbounce to build a micro site and create page variants to split test headlines etc, which variant would google index?

We don’t currently do anything special for Google (they’ll get the same random selection as everyone else), but they won’t be counted as a visitor.

We don’t currently do anything special for Google (they’ll get the same random selection as everyone else), but they won’t be counted as a visitor.

Barney, I am fairly certain that Google would just rank the latest version it caches according to it’s algorithm. Thus, if there substantial changes to page variants in titles, content, URLs, internal anchor text, etc., it would likely adjust ranking based on that.

If there are no substantial changes, say you are just moving things around within variants, it is possible and probably likely that there would be no ranking change for any particular page based upon any changes it saw. Google really has no idea what your site looks like aesthetically, it just sees code. There could be changes based on say competition though.

And in no event will the ranking change based upon anything you did until Google comes back and caches your site again. It doesn’t know what it hasn’t seen yet in other words.

This is all based upon my experience with all of the micro sites I have done.

Thanks Chris, that’s really helpful.

Barney, in the Chrome browser when you are on any site, including one of your own, you can do “Ctrl+U” to reveal the source code. That is what Google sees. It might be the same command in other browsers, not sure.

Carlos, I’m also contemplating building a mini-site with Unbounce instead of Wordpress :: the problem, though, is seeing an enormous rate hike when the traffic starts flowing in :: please ask your supervisors if Unbounce is planning to introduce mini-sites for a monthly flat rate. This is a huge untapped market.

I agree with Charles there is a tremendous market in mini sites. You would also need a little more robust SEO functionality. But all the pieces are really there. The ease of putting really nice sites together on the Unbounce platform is very appealing to an affiliate marketer.

_Just a heads up - we have just officially released a  Wordpress Integration  which you can start using today. This way you don’t have to necessarily choose between one or the other, and gives you more options in regards to your SEO strategy. Check out the announcement and install the plugin to get started.
