Make it easier to browse images and share preview links of your landing pages

  • 12 June 2013
  • 1 reply

Hey unbouncers,

I have a few suggestions today which might be once get implemented.

Image Upload Window

Would be cool to make it resizable. Especially if you select images from the unbounce image library the current window size isn’t that comfortable.

On another note, the white icons aren’t visible unless you hover over them which can be quite annyoing. Maybe add a light grey background behind every image so the stand out a bit more 😉

Landing Page Preview

A cool feature would be to hand out the preview versions with a dynamic link. This way I can shortly inform my client how the landing pages look without creating him a sub-account.


So bascially switching the letters from a-X would let your client see the page without logging in.

That’s it for today 🙂

1 reply

Hi Manuel,

These are all great suggestions and they have been added to our “to do” list.


