I'd love to see a SharpSpring integration. Anyone else?

  • 24 September 2015
  • 5 replies

I’m a SharpSpring user and bet other Unbounce users are too. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a native integration?

5 replies

Absolutely, I actually recommended it to leadpages.net before i started exploring ubounce as our potential platform. We will probably eign with the landing page platform that does it first. I hope it is ubounce:)

Hi Mark and to the ImageSoup Team!

Thanks for your helpful feedback - it’ll help us when we map out which new integrations we pursue.

In the meantime, feel free to check out this super handy guide our friends at SharpSpring wrote for our mutual customers.

The guide will walk you through step-by-step on how you can connect Unbounce with SharpSpring.

I hope it helps!

I would love to see this happen! I currently have it set up like the link above but if there were a native integration it would be awesome 🙂

Yes. Currently using a POST to URL action with a 3rd Party form in SharpSpring. Not using the SharpSpring JavaScript code snippet but pulling relevant values from it to construct the POST to URL action.

Here is an updated link to the SharpSpring support article:
Integrating a Native Unbounce Form with SharpSpring

Beware of typos in the support article at the time of this writing. Particularly, a reference to “tracking__sb”… it should be “trackingid__sb” throughout the integration process.

Also, I found it more effective to use Google Tag Manager (via Unbounce Script Manager in Unbounce Settings) to deploy the SharpSpring Tracking code + the “Populate Cookie” function to write the trackingid__sb hidden field value. If using GTM, to avoid having an “undefined” tracking value, use the SharpSpring tracker _setResponseCallback to  fire the “Populate Cookie” function only after SharpSpring is ready:

var sspopform = function() {

  lp.jQuery(function() {

 var getCookie = function(name) {

var value = "; " + document.cookie;

var parts = value.split("; " + name + "=");

if (parts.length == 2) return parts.pop().split(";").shift();


 var theCookie = getCookie('__ss_tk');

 var trackingid__sb = decodeURIComponent(theCookie);




 var _ss = _ss || []; _ss.push(['_setDomain', 'https://XXX-XXXXXXXXXX.marketingautomation.services/net']); _ss.push(['_setAccount', 'XXX-XXXXXXXXXX']); _ss.push(['_setResponseCallback', sspopform]); _ss.push(['_trackPageView']); (function() {

  var ss = document.createElement('script');

  ss.type = 'text/javascript'; ss.async = true;

ss.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + 'XXX-XXXXXXXXXX.marketingautomation.services/client/ss.js?ver=1.1.1';

  var scr = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];

  scr.parentNode.insertBefore(ss, scr); })();

This Custom HTML tag fires on All Pages from my Unbounce GTM container:

I just integrated the forum but I’m getting the error in google tag manager and tracking is not working.

Anyone can help me with the form integration
