Form confirmation dialog

  • 19 September 2013
  • 1 reply

The “Click action” property does not exist in form confirmation dialogs. How can I make a form button go to another page while still capturing the form data?

1 reply

Hey Meredith! When you are in the page builder, you can click on the ‘form confirmation dialog’ tab (located at the top left of the builder just under the main ‘Save’ button.) Once you are in that tab, you can use the builder tools just as you normally do with your main landing page, including adding a click-through button and link it to another landing page - this will not affect the functionality of your main page’s form and how it captures data.

However, if you are thinking more along the lines of a multi-step form where one form leads directly to another in order to flow through a single funnel, we have a great article about how to achieve something like this here.

Hope that helps Meredith but if you had something else in mind, please let me know and I can dig into that for you as well.
