E-mail Capture Error - Requested URL not Found

  • 4 April 2013
  • 5 replies

On my landing page, my e-mail form occasionally gets this error:

“The requested URL /clkn// was not found on this server.”


5 replies

Hi Eamonn,

I’ve tested your page and am unable to reproduce this issue. Can you please submit this issue to support@unbounce.com and hopefully we can dig in a bit more?

Thanks so much,

Sarah | Customer Success

Thanks! Will do.

Did this ever get resolved? I have the same issue.

FYI for anyone finding this in the future I updated all of our buttons to have the HREF url of # so as not to mess with JS or try to navigate elsewhere. javascript:void(); did not work.

Hi Christian, 
We might have to look into your page directly to find the cause, as this post was published 2+ years ago. I’ll have my support team reach out to you directly via email. Hang tight!
