Bullet Points: Color

Hi! I am new here and I have a small issue. I added a text box with bullets and I can’t understand how to change the bullets color. I use the editor to change the text, but the bullets stay black. Please advise!

10 replies

Hello Naomi - editing bullet colour in HTML can be finnicky so your best bet might be to go with CSS instead.

Adding the following code to your page’s Script dialog will change your the bullet and text colour for all lists on your page to whatever you specify in the code. In this example, the code will change the bullet colour to gray:

 color : Gray; <br /> } <br /> </style>   

For alternate colours, just have a look at W3 Schools list here.

Hope that helps!

Anyone else with a problem with bullets color, size, shape, or alignment will find an answer here: /topics/images-as-bullets-wont-stay-put?utm_source=notificati…

Really works - easy to implement with a bit of patience. Worked for me. Learned it in chats with UnBounce Success Coach.

Thanks again for sharing this, Gerry!

Hi, thanks for the information…

i need to use a different color for different bullet lists… ie some lists are in white, others in black…

How to do this? i would imagine a different code?


I know this is an old thread, but I’m trying to do the same thing. Did you figure this out Colin? @Colin_Kidd

Thanks in advance, Josh

Hi Josh,

Amy from Unbounce here 👋I recommend checking out our documentation on changing bullet point colour/shape.

Let me know if this helps!


Thanks @amyhudolin

I did read that but decided to go through it again just to be sure. The solution offered changes all bullets to the color you define, but doesn’t help you know how to change different sets of bullets to be different colors. For example, let’s say I have a set of bullets in front of a black background (and want light colored bullets), but then have another set of bullets in front of a white background and want dark colored bullets. That is not easy to do and not explained. Would love some direction from Unbounce as many of the templates could benefit from knowing how to do this.

Hi @Josh_Aston - thank you for clarifying what you’re trying to achieve! This kind of customization would generally require working with a developer since it’s quite outside the box… Although if anyone in the Community has found a way to get this to work I’d also be interested to know 👀

Badge +1

hey @Josh_Aston … click your text box and go to “view source”… Add inline CSS to the ul element like this
<ul style="color:red">
That should do the trick. 😉

Thanks @Malik !
