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It’s no secret that our Unbounce Experts here in the community (Hi @andrew, @nicholas, @stefano, @hristian, @Joe_Savitch, @leah.ann, @alex_scovell, and @finge! 👋) have what it takes to take a good landing page to a 10x, leak-proof, funnel-popping, business-changing landing page. But now we’re going to see which of the experts can convert THE MOST in a brand new contest that will kick off right here in the Unbounce community!

First steps…
For the next few weeks, we’ll be collecting your LPs for our Unbounce Experts to square off in a head-to-head battle to see who can generate the highest conversion rate lift.

What you’ll need to qualify…

  • A landing page, built in Unbounce 🎉

  • Enough traffic to test our variations (ideally you’re able to drive thousands of visitors per month)

What we’ll need from you, if you’re selected…

  • Access to creative (images), page integrations (Hotjar, Zapier, etc.)

  • Availability to meet with the Experts and myself

What you’ll get

  • Two professionally designed variants of your page made by our industry-leading @Unbounce-Experts. Each of these could provide a significant uplift!

  • Expert advice and critique of the challenges and solutions to driving leads in your sector - specifically to your business.

On April 15th, 2018 we’ll select a landing page for two of our Experts to transform into lead, sales, and sign-up generators. Each will provide detailed writeups explaining what they did and why, with brief tutorials included.

With over 500 pages published and 5K conversions generated, the Unbounce Experts are the real deal. Here’s a brief overview of the Experts who will be going head-to-head in this round to see who can really convert:

Meet the contenders! 👋

Hristian Kambourov (@Hristian) is the Chief Conversion Craftsman at Revise, based out of Sofia, Bulgaria.

Hristian has been an Unbounce customer since March 2015, and is what I like to call a Digital Craftsman (or rather a marketing craftsman in a digital world). Hristian builds on strong foundations, questions and tests everything, revises and optimizes to bring major improvements and measurable results to the campaigns that he works on.

His tools: email marketing, copywriting, analytics, conversion rate optimization, landing page optimization, user experience, user interface, AB tests and creative visual design.

With grade A skills in marketing strategy & implementation, biz dev, research, analysis, and reporting management chops – he’s a real heavyweight in this division.

Now for the heavy-hitting competition…

Joe Savitch (@Joe_Savitch) has been in marketing for over 20 years. First as a small business owner, then client-side, and now he’s currently crushing it at Altos in New Hampshire, USA. Joe’s been mastering Unbounce since 2015, quickly earning the title of Unbounce Expert.

Joe’s background is in paid media and on-page optimization (SEO and conversion rate optimization). Joe takes a wholistic approach by combining the control of incoming traffic and control of the on-page experience, resulting in a winning combination.

His tools: PPC search & display, conversion rate optimization, AB testing, email marketing, automation, paid social, with a speciality in integrations (such as Zapier).

How to enter…

Share a link to your landing page below in the comments section! (Yeah, it’s that easy.)

Got any questions? Feel free to hit the Reply button! 👇


So pumped for this!!!

This is so neat!

This is SO fun, what a great idea! 🙂

Hope to learn something 🙂

So pumped for this!! Here you go:

Yes, please!

Boom, entered!

oops I meant this

Let’s do this!

Hey guys! This is our page:

It would be awesome to get your feedback!! 😁

Love this.

Let’s go! (it’s in dutch though)

10% clickthrough, 5% response to form…

How to improve?

I need help! Let me in the competition.

Just what I need 🙂 professional help -

We would love to have you to tear this one apart!

thank you!
