Converting Confidently with the Power of AI: Smart Traffic!

We’ve got some more exciting news about this fantastic feature!

Some of you may have read about our AI-powered optimization tool, Smart Traffic, when it was still in beta.

We’re happy to say that thanks to your support, Smart Traffic is no longer in beta and here to stay! It’s all thanks to rad folks like you! 🎊

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And in light of recent events, Smart Traffic is more important now than ever. More competition moves online everyday. Small & independent businesses need a reliable tool that maximizes their conversion rate and makes every visitor count.

So with the help of you product-testing, feedback-giving maestros, we learn more everyday to support marketers & confidently pair their skills with the power of AI.
You futurists, you! 😎

And just like Smart Traffic on your pages, we hope we never stop learning and improving, either.

For those of you who are all; “Wait, what’s Smart Traffic?

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Smart Traffic is Unbounce’s AI-powered conversion tool that automagically matches each visitor with the landing page most likely to convert.

Oh, and it’s available to Unbounce customers on any 2017 plan. Oh, and since early testing, Unbounce customers continue to see an average 30% lift in conversions compared to an A/B test.

You can try out Smart Traffic on landing pages with as little as 50 visitors, which means you can start to optimize your conversion rate while you’re still testing.

Yes, if you want to run for the Unbounce builder to check it out, I understand. Here, let me hold your things. ✨

Feel free to ask any questions in the thread below!

Wishing you all some automagically improved conversion rates.

-Emily from Unbounce

12 replies

thanks for your answers @Andrea_Blazenko and also @cameron_calder

i can see its climbing now and have learnt to reset my stats! just need to be a bit more patient I guess and let it do its thing. really do love smart traffic though thanks agian for your tips!

Amazing - thanks for the feedback… will drop any learnings we have here, as we go! 🚀

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

Thanks for Smart Traffic, it’s really working on our LPs !

Cool! Does it work with external conversion tracking?

Hi @cfen! At the moment it does not work with external conversion tracking, but that is on our radar!


This would help us use Smart Traffic on many, many more pages. Bonus points if we can choose which conversions (e.g. form submissions but NOT link clicks) are used in the ST algorithms. Thanks for listening!

Hi @Jaime! If Smart Traffic is in the Learning phase, then it’s still gathering data to be able to make its best routing decisions - we estimate that this process takes around 50 visitors, but it’s not an exact science. Even beyond the Learning phase, the lower-performing variant could still be the best option for a segment of your visitors. So we recommend keeping it in play. You can always create additional variants if you have new ideas to test. Hope this helps!

Hi @cameron_calder! No need to start with an A/B/n test before switching on Smart Traffic! In fact, the earlier you turn on Smart Traffic, the earlier the Learning phase will happen and the sooner you can start optimizing. And don’t worry, the Learning phase is no more risky than running an A/B/n test!

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

+1 from me too 😉

Userlevel 7
Badge +1


Can’t wait to hear success stories, thanks for sharing here @Emily_Matick! 💪

hey guys,
if you’ve got over 50 views to your page and the smart traffic is doing its thing…if only variant is clearly the winner over the other but its still in ‘learning’ stage at say 7% - at what percentage should you start to then change variants/discard and make new ones?


This is going to be interesting to test how we can apply in a best case scenario strategy 📈
