Convertables Release: Mobile Overlays and Google Analytics Integration

Happy Friday everyone!

I’m happy to announce that today you have access to two more features in Convertables: Mobile Overlays and a Google Analytics Integration! 🎉

Mobile Overlays

You can now build mobile responsive overlays. Simply go into the Unbounce Builder and enable it the same way you would for landing pages.

You’ll also notice some additions to your Convertables UI:

List View


Learn more about best practices for mobile overlays » here

Google Analytics

You no longer need to embed your Google Analytics script on your Convertables. Your overlays will now inherit the Google Analytics code you have embedded on its host page.

To use this integration, first make sure you have your Google Analytics JS and Convertables JS embedded on your host page. Then go into your Convertables Overview and enable the checkbox under ‘Installation’.

Check out complete Documentation

We know that GA has been tricky for Convertables, and this is just our first shot at a solution (but definitely not our last). Look out for updates and refinements as the team learns more about what else you need from a Google Analytics integration - and please let us know in the comments below 😃

6 replies

Hey @annrea,

If you are using GA on Unbounce Pages, you can implement it with either of those two options using Script Manager. You will find it under the settings tab in Unbounce. Once there, click ‘Add a Script’.

Option 1 is what you want if you select ‘Google Analytics’ but you can use option 2 if you select ‘Custom Script’.

For non-Unbounce pages, I’d recommened using the instructions provided by your platform or from Google

Hope this helps!

Awesome update. Thanks so much @Cole_Derochie! :spinbounce:

Awesome! I’m excited to hear about the mobile convertables adoption rate.

I know there is no option for exit overlay on mobile but it would be interesting to test a trigger for scrolling back up the page. This might be a sign that they’ve stopped reading down and may be ready to exit.

Thanks for continuing the feature releases. Keep them coming!

Hello @Cole_Derochie,

That is good news.

I am brand new to Unbounce.

Would you please reply with the complete path to integrate my GA?

Do I need this? UA-43951703-1

or this?

(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','','ga');
ga('create', 'UA-43951703-1', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview'


@jsuppes & @Cole_Derochie

There are actually 1 or 2 companies that focus exclusively on exti overlays and have a solution for showing it on exit on mobile/touch devices.

I can share some details over a PM with a dev from Unbounce who might be interested in being “inpsired” by their solution. 🙂
