Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Unbounce Community!
A gathering of awesome Unbouncers who discuss landing page optimization, conversion centred design, PPC best practices and user experience. 

In order to make the most of your time in the Unbounce Community, have a gander through the guidelines below to get acquainted with how things are run around here.

First off… what is Unbounce?
In short, Unbounce is the leading landing page builder for professional marketers.

With our drag-and-drop builder, you can create mobile responsive landing pages without any help or custom code from your IT team. It’s the easiest way to build (and A/B test!) targeted landing pages that don’t just look great, but convert like crazy.

Run more marketing campaigns and convert more leads, all without code up to your eyeballs. We’ve got your back.

Great! Then who is the Community for?
The Unbounce Community was built by marketers, for marketers, to discuss marketing tactics and strategy. Not an Unbounce customer? No problem! You can sign up for a free Unbounce account here, or you can sign into the Community using your Facebook, Google or GetSatisfaction accounts. We don’t discriminate, so as long as you’re a productive member of the Community, you’re more than welcome to be part of the club.

What kind of questions should I ask here? Questions in the Unbounce Community should focus on anything and everything related to landing pages and the associated marketing around landing pages. This can include questions about PPC, email marketing, landing page design, A/B testing (ideas and results), landing page critiques, and questions about your overall marketing strategy or tactics.

The key takeaway here is that this is your place to talk to fellow marketers, but not really the best place to contact the Unbounce team. While we definitely monitor the Community, we take a hands-off approach to give our marketers the chance to talk to other marketers. If you’re looking for information on how to do certain things in the page builder, head over to the Unbounce Documentation. If you need to get in touch with the Unbounce team for any reason, including support for your account/landing page, you can always email a Support Coach or give us a call at 1.888.515.9161.

What about Feature Requests? I have a few ideas for Unbounce!
Awesome! We’re big fans of getting customer feedback on new features and product ideas. In fact, some of our biggest features started out as requests from customers. Just head over to the Product Ideas + Updates category and search for what you’re looking for. If the idea already exists, be sure to like and follow the idea, as well as leave a comment letting us know why the idea is important to you so that we can better understand all use cases. If you don’t see your idea in the search results, feel free to create a New Post. Be sure to include as many details as possible, including examples of how your suggested feature would benefit you, as well as any supporting screenshots/video so we can get a good idea of exactly what you’re looking for.

Help! I need support for _____ and _____!
Well don’t sweat it Ð our Success Coaches are here to help! If you run into any nasty bugs, formatting issues, or are having issues with something that seems to be account related, get in touch with us directly. This will ensure you get the absolute fastest response possible and avoid any delays.

Are there any Community rules for conduct??
While we encourage spirited and vocal conversations, our primary goal is to make sure each member respects the Community and its members. Basically, you have to show respect to get respect. In the rare moments where someone abuses this respect, we take it seriously. We won’t be able to edit any of your content, but we do reserve the right to remove posts or comments that contain:

  • Rude or offensive commentary

  • Nudity or graphic content

  • Vulgar language

  • Mentions/Links to directly competing products or services

  • Creating multiple accounts to embellish a specific thought, idea or product request

  • Exploiting the gamification system

  • Anything that could be described as ÒtrollingÓ

We also can’t condone anyone creating multiple accounts to embellish a specific thought, idea, or product request, or posts that exploit the gamification structure in the Community. (Y’gotta play by the rules, folks!)

The process for removing the offending post starts with the actual deletion from our Community, followed by a personal email to the individual responsible to explain our reason for removal. We’re not perfect, and misunderstandings can happen, so we want the opportunity to address each situation directly. Failure to comply with this removal by re-posting the same (or similar) content will result in the individual (unfortunately) being removed from the Community. We want to keep things positive 'round here, so we reserve the right to ban any members who have made posts or comments we deem super rude or offensive.

The other kind of posts / comments that we re-direct are questions that would best be handled by support. We do this to ensure you’re getting the absolute best service possible and to ensure a speedy resolution. Support-focused questions include:

  • Questions specific to your account or landing page

  • Questions addressed to the Unbounce team, and not Community members

  • Problems with the Unbounce Page Builder or functionality

We won’t necessarily delete these posts, but we will archive them from the Community and send them straight to the support inbox of our Customer Success team so they can work on a solution right away. We also send you an email to let you know why we did this in each case.

Uh-oh… I found a comment that’s clearly against your Code of Conduct. What should I do?!
First off, thanks for keeping an eye on things! We do our best to monitor every post and comment, but sometimes things can slip through the cracks. The best course of action would be to email us at and let us know. We’ll look into the post/comment in question and determine if it breaks our Code of Conduct or not. If it does, we’ll send you a reply (and probably a t-shirt) for helping us out.

Where can I find updates on sweet new Unbounce features? 
We always share new features, UI changes and improvements in the Announcement tab.

What is an ‘Unbounce Expert’?
I’m glad you asked! When Community members take initiative in the Community, we take notice. An Unbounce Expert is someone who has displayed a knack for helping out in the Community, either by continuously helping others, sharing their knowledge or keeping the peace in our forums. We’re super grateful for this type of behaviour - so to show our gratitude, and help these users gain more authority in the Community, we’ve crowned these standout folks with the title ‘Unbounce Expert’.

Sounds fun! How can I become an expert?
While we don’t have an official process in place right now, there are some things you can do to make your way onto our radar, such as:

  • Introduce yourself to the Community

  • Fill in your profile! Be sure to include your photo, social handles and website so others know you’re legit

  • Get involved. Start new conversations, participate in old ones. Subscribe to categories and threads. Vote on feature requests.

  • If you have expertise in something, share your knowledge with others

  • Be real. We’re huge into transparency, honesty, and truth. Don’t misrepresent yourself or lie about your identity.

  • This Community is based on the contributions of awesome folks like yourself, so comment and +1 posts that you find particularly useful

  • Be constructive, not demeaning. If you disagree with something, explain why and be as diplomatic as possible. You’re here to make friends, and while disagreements will inevitably occur, don’t let it derail the conversation entirely.

I think I’ve got it now! How can I get started?
First things first, tell us who you are! Head over to the official intro thread and introduce yourself to the community. We love meeting new peeps!

8 replies

Merci @julien_level ! 👍
Je ne manquerai pas de te solliciter 🙂

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

Hello @amalik
Avec plaisir si je peux donner un coup de main !

Thanks for the information @Jess !

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hey @amalik! Welcome to the community!

Just incase I’m asleep during your business hours (we’re all the way in Canada), @julien_level is also from France, and he’s a good source for information!


Hi there ! 👋

Greetings from France ! 🇫🇷

Looking forward reading from you !

Thanks for helping us by providing such a nice information with us!

Woo-hoo! Way to give our Guidelines a much needed boost. :) 

Hi fellow Unbouncers,

To those just getting started in the community, WELCOME! 🙂 You have come to the right place to get the help needed to reach your business goals!  Between the awesome Unbounce support team and the collective knowledge wealth from thousands of users, you *will* get the guidance needed to take things to the next level.  I hope that you are feeling as excited as I was on day one and get as much out of it as I have.  Hop on over to the introductions thread to join the conversation or don’t if you prefer to not say hello when you enter a party !

Warmest regards,
Joe Faillace
