Please review my landing page for call to action to call a number

  • 9 August 2023
  • 2 replies


Please review my landing page for call to action to call a number.

Any suggestions to convert better?

2 replies


Hi @MHowell! Thank you for reaching out! 

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Userlevel 5

Here are some thoughts on your page:

Let’s start with the popup CTA.

I like that the offer is clearly stated, but I think the offer itself could be simpler. By offering two options with different structures, you’re asking the user to do more work figuring out which is better for them. It’s also a bit confusing. How long does the 20% apply?  If you haven’t already, I suggest testing versions with each offer on its own to see what resonates best.

While I like that you’re trying to add urgency, “limited time” is a bit vague. What is the expiration date?

Those things also apply to the main page.

There may be a bit too much friction with the form itself. Do you need to have the agreement for the terms and conditions? If so, can you include it later in the process or make the form multistep so it isn’t right up front creating doubt and anxiety?

I also think this could benefit with a brief bit of supporting copy. It’s expecting a lot for people to give a yes for a discount before knowing more about the product/service or how much they are going to pay. Perhaps you could also delay the popup or trigger it based on scroll length or exit intent.

The layout of the main page is a bit cramped. I would add a bit more white space and establish more of a visual hierarchy, especially above the fold. There’s a lot of elements competing for attention. There are also a lot of fonts, which adds to the clutter.

The Paychex Awards info could be its own section. 

I would flip the image so that Martha is facing the CTA rather than off the page. That will draw the eye to the CTA. I would also try using a button color that stands out more. There is already a lot of that blue, so the buttons blend in too much.

There is a typo. Piers should be Peers.

Best of luck!



