Feedback on pre-launch landing page please!

  • 31 January 2020
  • 4 replies

1: What challenge are you currently trying to solve?

provide an affordable alternative to organic, sustainable period care

2: How are you driving traffic to your page?

Women’s groups on facebook, slack, newsletters, twitter, etc.

3: What is your conversion goal?

15,000 emails. We’re adding a referral campaign with viral loops.

4: Paste a link to your published landing page / popup: 👇
Preview link:

4 replies

Hey @Florence_Kwok ! LeeAnn from Unbounce here 👋 I took a look at your page and I went through some of my thoughts and feedback in the video I have linked below (sorry for the background noise):

Let me know if you have any questions, I am always happy to help out!

Welcome to the community!


thank you leeann, this is awesome!!

i have one question. do you think people generally understand what “wholesale” means? I heard from a friend that they might not get it if they’re not familiar with ecommerce.

My pleasure Florence, I’m glad it was helpful!
From my experience people generally understand what wholesale means, but if you would like to find out what works best for your conversion rate. I would recommend a/b testing the wording and see which page performs better!

Badge +1

All great points by Leeann. I’ll add a couple of quick things on design specially that you can AB test.

  1. There seems to be an extra row between the header and the slider. Perhaps get rid of that row and increase the header height to keep it spacious.
  2. Your slider doesnt move on its own and the navigation arrows are below the fold but you have great points on both sliders talking about product benefit. I’d suggest to use just 1 slide - divide it into 2 halves and right the benefits on either side with (1) and (2). Have the product image in the middle such that the product divides the 2 slider into 2 parts. Then have the sign up form right there with a better call to action copy like -
    “Get on wholesale price forever. Sign up.” or something similar.

Hope thats helpful!
