I have scoured the forums, pieced together lightboxes, mutli-step forms 2.0, and query string appending, but I am now stumped and looking for some guidance.
I have 3 questions I want to ask my visitors. I want the answers to each question to be in the form of Icons (e.g. click the icon to answer). I want to test asking all of them at once (showing all on one page) vs. just showing one at a time (sliding in next question after previous is answered… really don’t want to use a lightbox if I don’t have to). After the final question the resulting click will take the visitor to a URL with query strings appended to the URL string.
- I drive: ruser clicks cars icon]
- I eat: user clicks steak icon]
- I drink: ruser clicks coffee icon]
EXIT LINK when clicking cCOFFEE ICON]: http://www.site.com?drive=cars&eat=steak&drink=coffee
Thank you to anyone who can guide me here. Been at this for several hours and feel like I’ve moved an inch!