How to override default breakpoint?

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Okay, sure thing. See screenshots attached. Steps to produce:

  1. Create a new page with the Sassy template.

  2. Click Preview.

  3. Shrink browser window to before it reaches its 600px breakpoint.

  4. Observe how awful it all looks. Take screenshots. (Attached.)

Can I be the only one who actually shrinks my browser window to see how things will look for users at different browser sizes? It seems unbelievable to me, honestly. Am I missing something huge/obvious? This seems like such a major, in-your-face problem. And I’m having a very hard time convincing myself that I can, in good conscience, use Unbounce landing pages that behave this way.



P.S. And lest you think this is just one template, I just tried: Produkto – same awful experience – and Good Bank – same awful experience. If you believe the sorting by popularity, these are the top three Unbounce templates. I can try more, but I’m guessing that these are not unique. What gives? Everybody is content to just have awful-looking pages for browsers at these intermediate widths between mobile-narrow and very-wide? Why not show the mobile-width version rather than a version that has content chopped off? It seems to defy all logic. What am I missing?

Would be great to see some screen shots of this.  Never searched for the blind spot, but if one is there, put me in line for the solution 🙂

Could you please let me know how you resolve this, Christopher?

Much appreciated,


Hi Justin,

Thanks for the reply.

Try your “Sassy” template, maximize, then shrink your window. See? There’s a wide range of window sizes for which the right side of the page just just unceremoniously chopped off. No self-respecting “responsive” page would do such a thing, right? The issue is that the minimum width of the template’s desktop UI is >600px. That’s a problem if you’re going to fix the breakpoint to 600px. No sweat if you can change the breakpoint, lousy experience if you can’t. See what I mean?



Hey Christopher, 
At this point in time there isn’t a way to edit the mobile breakpoint. With that being said, I don’t think that users with screen sizes between 600px and 800px would necessarily have a poor experience. Can you give me some insight into why you would think that? If you have any screenshots or real world examples that would be super useful. 
