Dashboard statistics

  • 19 August 2010
  • 9 replies

Is there an easy way to check out how many total visitors and views I’ve had on my account in a month (or a day, or a week, for that matter). Since pricing is visitor based, it would be nice to be able to see how many visitors I have so far.

9 replies

Hi sjledet - if you log in to Unbounce and go Account => Manage Subscription you will find a handy bar graph showing you how much traffic you have been receiving lately.

Hope this helps!


The graph Jason is referring to will also be visible from your Dashboard sometime in the next week. The ability to see a history of traffic (narrow down a date range) is something that we’d like to implement in the future as well. Currently the “traffic usage meter” only reports on the traffic you’ve had since your last billing period.

what would be helpful would be global stats. total visits, total conversions, conversion %age overall.

Regardless of the billing, it is a must to be able to filter traffic by date range. I need to be able to match the traffic the site was receiving in a certain date range to the traffic in our other analytics systems, to calculate exact conversion rates. Right now I can’t find a way to do this other than resetting the stats, but I’d really like to keep the history of data for a page.

Hi Ingrid, 
Thanks so much for your feedback! I’m going to change this from a  Question _to an  _Idea  so we can keep some more visibility on this request. 

Just so you know, we’re currently in the process of revamping some of our major UI/UX pieces, including adding functionality to our leads & stats dashboard. At the moment, we’re still a ways out before we push anything live to the public, so in the meantime I recommend integrating with Google Analytics and using this platform to track your traffic and conversion data. It’s super easy to integrate with Google Analytics, and you can check out the how-to article here: http://documentation.unbounce.com/hc/en-us/articles/203509974-Integrating-with-Google-Analytics

Yes, this is a definite must! 

I wonder if this has happened yet? I was just thinking it would be great to have a traffic line on the conversion chart, with a right side index.

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Hey Craig!

This is an awesome idea, would you mind posting this as it’s own Idea on our Community forum? This needs room to breathe 🙂

If this picks up enough steam on it’s own (with likes and votes), there’s a better chance of it being added to our Product Roadmap sooner than later. Thanks so much for the feedback. 🙂

This basic statistic reporting was needed in 2016 when this was posted. Where are we at on this? Need it asap.
