[How To] Add A Multi-Step Form 2.0

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Hi Noah,
Thanks so much for fixing the bug, the drop down menu is now working as
well. If we get the progress bar and possibility of showing more than one field
at the time, that would be great!

Userlevel 3

Awesome. Thanks so much for this service!!

i have also spent hours with this, and i too have tested typefrom and leadformly. Typeform seem to be the best but Ben i’m wondering where you landed with this in terms of what forms you use? thanks

Userlevel 2

For all the community member, i have been able to alter the code and achieve the functionality of displaying multiple fields in one step.
So if you would like me to help you with your code, you can drop me an email at ‘reckless.sam@gmail.com’ with

Subject -> Multi Step Form -Community Unbounce

I will help you with the code at a very nominal price, because based on the fields the code will have to be updated.

Thanks and looking forward to hear from you.

hey ands,
any luck finding solution for this ?

Aweome, thank you so much for this, checked the demo and looks just like what we need, will try to implement it later today 😃

Hi! Thanks for this. I’ve got it installed and it looks great! It did not like being inside a lightbox and had to be on the main page, which is fine for my purpose.

One minor issue: I have 9 questions with 3 steps. Only on the last step is the question text at a fixed width and spilling over into the form field. I poked around to where I can adjust this width and am left stumped. Can you help?

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Hi, @Mysticadder!

Thank you! If you need to style the buttons individually, you can do so in the CSS. Below are the two button elements that you can edit to your liking:

.multistep .lp-pom-button{
  		position: relative !important;
  		top: 0 !important;
  		width: 60% !important;
  		display: inline-block !important;
  		float: right;
      	letter-spacing: 2px !important;
      	font-weight: 700 !important;
    	text-transform: uppercase !important;

.multistep .lp-pom-button.back-button{
 		margin-right: 0;
  		float: left;
  		opacity: 0.7 !important;
  		background-color: #f1f1f1 !important;
      	color: #636363 !important;
  		width: 35% !important;
  		letter-spacing: 2px !important;
      	font-weight: 700 !important;
    	text-transform: uppercase !important;

Hope that helps!

Hello @Noah
I have downloaded your lastest version of the script and i am still getting stuck at the drop down menu.
Can you please help? What am i doing wrong? Thanks!

Is it possible to mix and match checkboxes, text-fields and drop-down menus with this code? Because I’m trying to do just that, and I can’t get it to work.

Awesome! Is there by any chance a way to automatically jump to next question without clicking “next” button? sthing like this: https://audimagnet.com/comparador/?v=1&adsid=_19630420300699590 That’d be an extra-awe


Thanks for this how-to. I implemented it, but stumbled upon a mistake: when testing the ‘Back’ button, the form is submitted, which of course shouldn’t be the case. Anyone else experiencing this problem? Is there a solution for this?



Hi there,

I’m trying to reduce an existing multi-form script that has 3 steps down to 2 steps. I’m not a developer, and I’ve found myself a bit stuck! I have a feeling it’s a matter of changing a minor element of the script.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Here’s the existing script:

  function UnbounceMultiStep(form, options) {

  // Validate arguments
  if ( !form.is('.lp-pom-form form') )
    return console.error('jQuery.unbounceMultiStep must be called on an Unbounce form.');

  if ( typeof options !== 'object' )
    return console.error('No options were passed to jQuery.unbounceMultiStep');

  this.options = options;

  // Store DOM elements
  this.form = form;
  this.formContainer = this.form.closest('.lp-pom-form');
  this.fields = this.form.find('div.lp-pom-form-field');
  this.fieldsByStep = [];
  this.currentStep = 0;
  this.forwardButton = this.formContainer.find('.lp-pom-button').eq(0);
  //this.validationError = $('.lp-form-errors');
  // Verbiage
  this.text = {};  
  this.text.next = this.options.nextButton;
  this.text.showSteps = this.options.showSteps;
  this.text.back = this.options.backButton;
  this.text.submit = this.forwardButton.children('span').html();

  // Call constructor method

UnbounceMultiStep.prototype.init = function() {
  var _this = this;

  this.formContainer.addClass('multistep initial');
  this.form.attr('id', 'fields');

  // Add progress bar
  this.formContainer.prepend('<div id="progress-bar"></div>');
  this.progressBar = lp.jQuery('#progress-bar');

  // Replicate Unbounce's field spacing
  var height = parseInt( this.fields.eq(0).css('height'), 10);
  var top = parseInt( this.fields.eq(1).css('top'), 10);
  this.fields.css('margin-bottom', (top - height) + 'px');
  this.progressBar.css('margin-bottom', (top - height) + 'px');

  // Set up fieldset elements for each step
  for ( var i = 0 ; i < this.options.steps.length ; i ++ ) {
    console.log('Adding new fieldset.');
  this.steps = this.form.find('fieldset');

  // Sort fields into new steps
  var currentField = 0;
  for ( currentStep = 0 ; currentStep < this.options.steps.length ; currentStep ++ ) {
    this.progressBar.append('<div class="step">' +
                            '<span class="num">'+ (currentStep + 1) +'</span>' +
                            '<span class="title">'+ this.options.steps[currentStep].title +'</span>' +
    this.fieldsByStep[currentStep] = [];
    for ( i = 0 ; i < this.options.steps[currentStep].fields ; i ++ ) {
      console.log('Field ' + currentField + ' -> step ' + currentStep );
      this.fields.eq( currentField ).appendTo( this.steps.eq( currentStep ) );
      this.fieldsByStep[ currentStep ].push( this.fields.eq( currentField ) );
      currentField ++;

  // Add any remaining fields to last step
  if ( currentField < this.fields.length ) {
    currentStep --;
    for ( i = currentField ; i < this.fields.length ; i ++ ) {
      console.log('Field ' + currentField + ' -> step ' + currentStep );
      this.fields.eq( currentField ).appendTo( this.steps.last() );
      this.fieldsByStep[ currentStep ].push( this.fields.eq( currentField) );
      currentField ++;

  this.progressBarItems = lp.jQuery('#progress-bar .step');

  // Add a back button
  this.backButton = this.forwardButton.clone().insertBefore(this.forwardButton);

  // Only validate fields that are in current step
  $.each(window.module.lp.form.data.validationRules, function() {
    if ( this.required === true ) { this.required = {
      depends: function () { return $(this).is('.active :input')}

  // Add event listeners
  $(function() {
   _this.backButton.unbind('click touchstart').bind('click.unbounceMultiStep', function(e) {

    _this.forwardButton.unbind('click touchstart').bind('click.unbounceMultiStep', function() {

  // Show first step

UnbounceMultiStep.prototype.goToStep = function ( newStep ) {
  // Make sure we aren't going to a steΩp that doesn't exist
  if ( newStep < 0 || newStep >= this.steps.length ) return false;

  this.steps.eq( this.currentStep ).removeClass('active').hide();
  this.steps.eq( newStep ).addClass('active').fadeIn();

  this.progressBarItems.eq( this.currentStep ).removeClass('active');
  this.progressBarItems.eq( newStep ).addClass('active');

  this.formContainer.toggleClass('initial', newStep === 0);

  // Update the label of the forward button
  var current = parseInt(newStep) + 2;
  var total = this.steps.length;
  var nextText = this.text.showSteps ? this.text.next + ' (Step ' + current + ' of ' + total + ")" : this.text.next;
  var submitText = this.text.submit;
  var forwardButtonLabel = ( newStep === this.steps.length - 1 ) ? submitText : nextText;

  this.currentStep = newStep;

UnbounceMultiStep.prototype.validate = function () {
  return this.form.valid();

UnbounceMultiStep.prototype.forwardHandler = function () {

  // Prevent going to next step or submitting if step isn't valid
  if ( !this.validate() )
  {$('.lp-form-errors').appendTo( '#' + window.module.lp.form.data.formContainerId );
    return false;}
  if ( this.currentStep === this.steps.length - 1 ) {
    this.goToStep( this.currentStep + 1 );

UnbounceMultiStep.prototype.backHandler = function () {
  this.goToStep( this.currentStep -1 );

  // Refresh the validation status

//jQuery plugin
lp.jQuery.fn.unbounceMultiStep = function(options) {
  window.ms = new UnbounceMultiStep(this, options);
  return this;

This is great! Is there a way to modify the script so I can display more than one form field at a time? I worry that for much longer forms (even with the progress bar) users might become frustrated if there is a seemingly never ending list of questions…especially since the form doesn’t store each response in the event it isn’t completed…

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

I tried both and at them moment the one with a field by field is converting much better than the one with 3x3. Like 30% higher 🙂

This scripted worked great…thank you! Is there a way to also conditionally display form fields based upon the users selections?

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

Yes you can by using a different script (multistep form 3.0):

Multi-Field, Multi-Step Form 🔥

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

Hello @remo,

There is another Multi-step script where you can chose the number of fields your want per steps:

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hey @ygivechi,

Yes, I can land you hand.

Please feel free to DM me or fill out the contact form at the bottom of my Unbounce Services page with a bit more details on the problem you are trying to solve.


Was able to resolve the issue. Had to add validation to the fields. Thanks for the help.

Not sure if this was answered but what if you want to have a couple of fields in step one

@Noah, you beautiful wizard you. You’ve done it again. 🙌 :noah:

Hey Jess
Thanks for the info. I have confidence that you’ll get to it. The desire for conversions will lead you there ;–)

Before I put this in to practice I just want to confirm if this will work for multi-field forms as well. I am building a referral page and want to use step one to collect the current customer into and step two to collect the prospect info…will this work for this?

Hey Josh we have found Hotjar’s recording feature very useful for working out what users are doing on the page, including with the form itself.
No doubt you are already looking at that.
