[Feedback Wanted] Popups

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Awesome new feature and promo video!

I would recommend to remove video background in eCTA because its counter intuitive: It should have a clear message, clear follow up and without further distractions (like taking forever to load…)

Unless it loads in the background, while the user is still navigating through the page… 😉

Thanks again for this awesome feature!

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

@gpontin That’s really great feedback, Gustavo! You could probably even turn that into it’s own conversation, something along the lines of “When landing page content becomes a distraction”… I’d love to see more thoughts on that. ☺

@Jess Yeah! Actually I wrote a blog post about it (you can check it here, although it is in portuguese…).

In my experience, the frustration is the natural response when the user faces these distractions. It goes something like this:

  1. User arrives on the page
  2. Information gallore / can’t find a goal / UX related problems
  3. User gets confused
  4. No motivation to stay on the page
  5. Frustration
  6. User leaves page

Although it is sounds simple and easy to understand, there’s still a lot of bad exemples out there. You guys can easily transform this in an awesome blog post.

If you want extend this conversation or a translated version of my post, you can contact me directly at gspontin@gmail.com

Thanks again!

Hi Cole,

I noticed that there is an “X” at the top of the screen that effectively does exactly what I want. Is there a way to replicate that functionality, only in button form? What code is executing when that X button is pushed?

I’d prefer not to reload the page since it’s a bit clunky of a user experience.


We have been evaluating about 15 light box systems during the last days and yours has a huge potential. However, for us to be able to start using the feature on our site we need A/B testing ability (or even A/X). When that is launched we will bring it to our site.

The next thing we really would like to see is the ability to have a two way sync on captured / current email addresses and names (etc). The reason for this is that we would like to be able to limit some campaigns so they are only valid to New customers, and to be able to do this we need Unbounce to know all our current customers email addresses and make those invalid for registration.

Everything else is AMAZING!

Our other favorites are:
Privy. But they don’t offer A/B testing
Sleeknote. They don’t offer pictures on the light boxes that show up on mobile devices. Images only show up on desktops.

Hey! I have a suggestion.

This is my problem: I have a landing page selling a product and I am using the embeddable CTA to show a popup with a discount offer when a visitor tries to exit. Checking the recordings of my visits, I have noticed that around 25% of the times the popup is triggered accidentally because the visitor moves the cursor out of the window while scrolling down.

Here I have an example of one of my visitors that moves the cursor out of the window towards the lower right corner. Obviously this visitor didn´t have intention to exit the page, but the “convertable” is triggered anyway.
(recording of one of my visitors)

For me the best option would be that the “convertable” sholud be triggered ONLY when the visitor actually tries to close the window on the navigator or with the keybord (ctrl+w). Maybe also when the cursor moves towards the upper side, but even in this case the visitor may only want to change to another tab and come back later to my page.

It would be great to modify the triggering option because “When a visitor tries to exit the page” is not always true.
Maybe it would be a good idea to offer both options.

-“When a visitor moves the cursor out of the window”
-“When a visitor tries to close the page” (clicking the “x” on the navigator or with CNTRL+W)

Hey @Roldan_Ania

Thank you for the great feedback. This pain is definitely something we would like to investigate, and your breakdown of the use case is extremely helpful!

Not comfortable testing them until pricing is know.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Not sure if this was mentioned already, but having the ability to schedule convertables would be a nifty and appreciated feature!

The offers that we’ve been using are heavily influenced by the time of year (black friday, cyber monday, boxing day etc.) and it would be awesome if, somehow, the process of turning them on/off would be automated 🙂

Great suggestion, @Stefano!

Hey @Convert,
Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

Fortunately, I’m happy to inform you that we have introduced Custom “Dismiss” Buttons in the builder.

All you need to do is drag an additional button onto your Convertable and select “Close on click” from the Action dropdown in the Click Action section of your Properties Panel.

Please let us know what your thoughts are. Hopefully this meets your need!



Appreciate you bringing this up! Scheduling is something that we will be working on in the new year!

We’ll keep you posted 🙂


Thanks for the 411 on mobile Convertables! Is there an expected ETA?

Also - since we won’t be able to use the “on exit” trigger on mobile (totally get that), we should have 2 versions of the same convertable, with separate settings for desktop (set to trigger on exit) and mobile (to trigger after XX seconds).
