[Feedback Wanted] How can we make reporting better for you?

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Have the ability to select a specific time frame. This will allow us to see the amount of visits and conversions made in that time frame.

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Downloading leads from only specific groups or pages.

It would be great if the option was available to download leads only from specific groups or pages. As of now, you can either download ALL of your leads or individual groups - but you cannot choose only specific ones to download.

Thanks so much for this feedback, Ido! These are all really valid points, so I’m going to see if someone from our Product team can weigh on on them. 


I (we) would like to be able to export all leads from a page-group.

Within unbounce it is possible to 1) export leads from 1 page or 2) leads from all pages and page-group within a “Client”, it is however not possible to export leads from 1 page-group.

In our situation we have 1 Client with multiple page-groups, within each page-group we have multiple pages.

Different types of leads are grouped within each page-group, it would be a huge time saver if we could export these leads in 1 action, instead of exporting leads for each separate page and combining them manually or exporting all leads within a Client and removing the ones we dont need (diasadvantage: page-group name is not exported).
Creating a new Client is also not a solution for us as we are using our own custom domain. Apparently a domain can only be used in 1 Client at a time. Introducing a new domain will have impact on the already active pages.

Exporting leads from a page-group would also emphasize the meaning of a page-group, which is now only a container for pages and not a container for leads.

Kind regards


Thanks for this feedback, Andrew! This feedback is super important; so we might contact you in the future to drill in to a few of these points. 

Happy to jump in with at least $.02 worth of input. Our most important/heavy analysis takes place in Google Analytics because of the segmentation capabilities. Don’t try to recreate Google Analytics, just allow us to dig a little deeper into the data in the report interface. Hope this is helpful, and I’m sure we’re not the only ones that would benefit from these upgrades.

What data do you generally present to your clients/boss/team/manager? These are also the most important for us and our clients.

  • We share conversion rates by variant with our clients and screenshots of those variants as a reference. 

What data do you currently pull from external sources (Google Analytics, Kissmetrics, etc.) to complete your report? 

  • In addition to the above, we log everything in Google Analytics for deeper analysis & install CrazyEgg for click tracking and scrollmaps
  • GA: Conversion rates for specific data ranges
  • GA: Conversion rates for different traffic segments and cohorts (mobile vs. desktop, dayparts, Google vs. Facebook, etc.)
  • CE: scrollmaps, click maps

Which features are on your wishlist? How do you feel they could help your reporting efforts?

  • Don’t delete historic stats when they are reset! 
  • Allow us to determine conversion rates for a specific data range.
  • High-level export to PDF or HTML file of screenshots & conversion rates to create a quick comparison of any variants (not just active). Use case: show a current page next to a page from last year to show how much we have improved. This would also require conserving historic data!
    Our reports are typically dropped into a Keynote or Powerpoint template for presentation. 

Looking forward to seeing where you go with this!

Thanks for the feedback, Phillip! Does anyone else have any input on how we can make reporting better for everyone? 

Also, I love the GoodUI reports. I think it would be good for your team to use as inspiration.

Sounds like you already covered my feature requests.

My main pain point is tracking multi-page funnels. In fact, I was just trying to figure out a work around for this today.

Here’s a typical funnel I use for the college I work for:

  1. A visitor clicks on a search ad that takes them to a “Campus” page.
  2. The “Campus” page lists programs available at the campus and links to the “Program” page.
  3. The “Program” page has a link to “Request Information” which goes to a “Form” Page.
    So there are 3 pages in this funnel. All three pages have A/B tests running. I’d like to track both click through rate (CTR) and, ultimately, form submissions. Currently with Unbounce, I have to choose only one goal. Most the time, i go conservative a choose form submissions…but that means my tests are longer than necessary since CTR might reveal the winner faster.

I’ve learned that I can use the External Conversion Tracking on my “Form” page to track Form Submissions on the Campus and Program page. The problem I discovered is this only works reliably for 2 page funnels because of how the External Conversion Tracking script works. When you have a 3 page funnel, the page at the top won’t always record a conversion.

This is a huge pain. I’d love if you can fix it!
