
Live website doesn't show correct elements

  • 23 March 2024
  • 6 replies


Dear sir/madam & Unbounce Community


I face an urgent issue with one of the pages that I have in Unbound. The page has the name: Try and Buy: Kawasaki (NL-NL) and is on url:


Certainly the live version of this pages on desktop doesn’t show the elements in the correct position. However when I look in the editor on Unbounce and the preview version, it all looks fine.


I tried on Safari and Google Chrome. Removed my cookies and cache history and checked on multiple devices but problem seems to occur everywhere.


I’ve attached some screenshots with comments between the difference of the pag how it looks in Unbounce editor and the Unbounce preview page compared with the actual live version.


Please help me out how to solve this problem and why the live website is showing something different then what i’ve built.



6 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hey @MotoShare 👋🏻 

Have you re-published your page since making those changes? You didn’t list that in your initial post so I wanted to make sure. It’s an easy thing to lose track of as you’re updating your page. 


Hi @Ed_Ilnicki yes, republished the page, however issue still occures. 


Seems it started when I zoomed out on my browers and then published it. However with normal screen size in my browser it’s not solved but I have the feeling it is related to this. 


Maybe you now a bit more how to solve it?


Thanks in advance

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hey @MotoShare thanks for the additional info. I’m afraid I haven’t seen this issue before and I don’t have immediate ideas to solve it.

I saw that you have an active conversation going on with our Support team about this and I appreciate your patience while they assist. 👍🏻

@MotoShare Please update us here as well if you find a way to fix it. We are facing the same issue with our pages too. 


Thanks in advance.



@Digital @Ed_Ilnicki no solution yet, however i removed custom htlm codes and then the page is normal. 


Quite strange because for 3 years these custom htlm codes worked perfect and I didn’t change anything. So when @digital is facing the same issues I’m wondering if @unbounce changed something on their site resulting in these issues with custom htlm

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

@MotoShare We would be happy to take a look and troubleshoot this for you. 

Over the past 10+ years, we’ve custom coded 100s of Unbounce page elements and I can confidently say no one has done more customizations on Unbounce than my team and I. 

Feel free to DM me and we’ll take a look. 
