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I’ve seen some historical posts on this, but they are quite old.

Here is my scenario. 

Unbounce page is on url On this, I have a pop up where I collect name & email address. Then when the user clicks the button, they are forwarded to

I have this, because my current set up of kajabi won’t allow me to have multiple domains. 

Is there any way for me to feed sales back to Unbounce so that I can track sales in unbounce and easily correlate the sales back to the landing page on unbounce, that way we can optimize how the smart traffic works. 

If not, it appears I’d just go with some standard A/B testing and do that conversion myself.

The reason I need this is that I currently have a sign up button buried in the page after my sales letter. I like this, because it helps qualify the lead (so to say). 

However, I want to test a sign up button at the top of the page and see if that increases conversions. Right now, the only way to really do this would be to track it myself, but also means I can’t use smart traffic effectively, because a lot of people could click that top button and then not buy.

Happy to use zapier or write my own script for this. Just wasn’t sure where to look to get this done


I read up on this here >

I looked at the API as well and only saw a get for leads. no post/update options.


Your scenario involves quite a few moving parts, but let's break it down.

To achieve what you’re looking for—tracking sales back to Unbounce so you can optimize your smart traffic—there are a couple of approaches you might consider:

1. Using Zapier:

Zapier can help you bridge the gap between your sales data and Unbounce. Here’s how:

  • Trigger: Set up a trigger in Zapier that activates when a sale is made (from your sales platform on
  • Action: Use the Webhooks by Zapier action to send this data back to Unbounce. Unfortunately, since the Unbounce API currently only allows GET requests for leads and doesn’t support POST/UPDATE, you’ll need to use the webhook integration to feed conversion data back into your Unbounce account.

2. Custom Script:

If you prefer a more tailored solution and have the technical resources to write your own script, you could:

  • Set up a listener on your sales domain to capture sales data.
  • Use this data to trigger an event in Unbounce, potentially by updating a custom database or using an analytics tool that integrates with Unbounce to track these events.

3. Using External Conversion Tracking:

Based on the Unbounce documentation you shared, you could implement external conversion tracking to send sales data back to Unbounce. This method involves adding conversion tracking scripts to your thank you pages or confirmation pages on

4. A/B Testing and Manual Tracking:

As a fallback, A/B testing with manual tracking is a viable option. You can run your A/B tests and manually track which leads came from which variant. This approach requires more manual effort but ensures you have the data you need to optimize conversions.

Action Steps:

  1. Explore Zapier: Check out Zapier’s integrations and see if you can set up a workflow that suits your needs.
  2. Custom Script: If you have a developer, outline the requirements for capturing and sending conversion data back to Unbounce.
  3. Conversion Tracking: Implement the external conversion tracking as per the Unbounce documentation.

I hope this helps you get closer to your goal of optimizing your smart traffic with accurate sales tracking. If you have any further questions or need more detailed steps, feel free to ask!

@Md_Mahinur_Khan thanks for this very thoughtful reply

When you say this in the zapier option > you’ll need to use the webhook integration to feed conversion data back into your Unbounce account

Where can I find documentation on this? I haven’t found references to the unbounce webhooks. 



You're welcome!

For information on using the webhook integration to feed conversion data back into your Unbounce account, you can refer to the Unbounce documentation on webhooks. This resource should provide the details you need to set up and configure webhooks effectively.

You can check these articles: 



If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to reach out!

@Md_Mahinur_Khan I don’t see how this works out how I want.

I want to send date INTO unbounce. Getting data out is no problem. Zapier handles that fabulously. 

I read through the links you sent, but having worked with webhooks in the past, they primarily only look for a response, such as a 200. 

I don’t see an area of the links you sent me that shows how to get data back into Unbounce. 

Hi @bdizzle

There is a POST for leads buried in the API docs but it’s not linked in the sidebar so you have to really know their full doc to be able to spot it :) 

Attaching a screenshot where you can find it. 

re: Original question - External conversion tracking won’t work in your case due to the 2 different parent domains you are using (domain(.]com & differentdomaint.]com)



Hi @bdizzle

There is a POST for leads buried in the API docs but it’s not linked in the sidebar so you have to really know their full doc to be able to spot it :) 

Attaching a screenshot where you can find it. 

re: Original question - External conversion tracking won’t work in your case due to the 2 different parent domains you are using (domain .]com & differentdomainn.]com)



I absolutely agree with this POST method, @bdizzle, let us know if you’re able to solve it, or I can look into it further. Thanks
